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A/N: DISCLAIMER! DISCLAIMER! This is a fanfic, all characters belong to the one and only Shannon Messenger besides Vex Dizznee and Calla Amy Foster. 


Plz don't copy mah story TYSM <3

Okie you may read the story now :)

Sophie and the others decided to use some of the abandoned hideouts that they'd discovered by using the Lodestar Mirror. Tam did his shadow stuff, and soon, the close group of friends were in a forest, near an abandoned Neverseen hideout. 

"It's been a while since we last came here." Dex said quietly. "I hope that we can get rid of them once and for all." 

Sophie silently agreed. The Neverseen had been in the dark, and they hadn't heard a peep from them lately- which was making them very mysterious. 

Let's split up Sophie transmitted to everyone. Fitz went with Biana to check the trees, Tam and Linh (because Tam insisted) would check the horizon, and Sandor and Grizel insisted to stay on guard in case the Neverseen came and the group needed alerting, Dex and Marella went together (Sophie suspected that Dex liked Marella, but, who knows?), and she and Keefe were going to see if there were any hidden entrances outside of the Neverseen hideout. She traveled her gloved fingers over the walls and overgrown vines, trying to find some kind of notch, when, out of nowhere, her hand found a handle hidden under a bush.

"FOUND SOMETHING!" Sophie yelled, then blushed when she realised how loud she had spoken- everyone had either almost peed their pants, jumped from surprise, or in Keefe's case, wince, and then burst out laughing.

"Are you, like, a secret Voiceificator?" Keefe teased, making Sophie wish she could trade all her abilities away to be a Vanisher or to have a nice tall cliff to teleport away.

"Uhm, guys- let's focus on the thing Sophie found." Linh suggested, and Sophie internally thanked Linh for saving her from more embarrassment. 

"I can't pull it open." Fitz said after trying to yank the door open. 

"Let me try." Dex offered, coming over and mumbling a few Technopath things Sophie didn't understand. Then, a small beeb beeb! noise came from the handle and the door sprung open. 

Before Sophie could go in, Sandor stepped in front of her, then exclaimed in his squeaky voice, "Stay behind me." Sophie humphed, crossing her arms before staying closely behind Sandor, looking left and right, checking for any hazards.

Suddenly, the door slammed shut, and several mirrors surrounded the group, showing Gisela, Gethen, and an emotionless Vespera.

Gisela clicked her tongue. "Took you long enough." 

Sophie gritted her teeth. "Where's everyone else? Dead, aren't they?" Keefe and Tam snorted a laugh. After the incident from the cave when Fitz and Sophie were attacked with Shadowflux, Ruy's powers had seemed to- almost not work anymore. Fintan was held in custody, teaching Marella, Brant was dead, and Umber was also dead. Alvar was nowhere to be seen. 

"Oh, no. Actually...we've recruited a new Pyrokinetic." Gethen said, giving a cold smile. 

"Meet our newest recruit, Flamer. He's a rather talented Pyrokinetic- probably better than Fintan and Brant." Gisela said, and a hooded figure appeared next to Vespera. 

"This one seems to have a big grudge on you, Vespera." Flamer exclaimed, pointing at Biana, who was gritting her teeth and glaring knives at Vespera.

"Pretty sure we all know why" Marella snapped, and Flamer snorted a laugh. 

"I like that one." Flamer stage-whispered to Gethen as he gestured to Marella. "Feisty."

Gisela cleared her throat. "Flamer, you know what you're supposed to do." 

Flamer hesitated. "I-I-I don't know if I can do this"

"There's way less people than we expected." 

"No- not that. The task is so...complicated."

"You're good. Just do it." Gisela insisted, and Flamer gave up. He raised his hands, and by the time Sophie realised what he was going to do, it was too late. Flamer raised his head to the ceiling, yelling words, and soon, he had commanded down Everblaze- the unstoppable flame. Sophie tried to run from the fire, but was cornered into a dome. She couldn't move. All she could do was helplessly watch the flames devour her and her friends.

She heard Marella screaming some Pyrokinetic words, heard footsteps rushing out the door. Sophie sent a mental plea to the universe that Marella and whoever was with her would make it out safely. Then, she heard Gisela tell Vespera and Gethen to take Sophie and her friends away.

Soon, all went dark. 


It took her a second to realise that Flamer was going to summon the Everblaze. But she couldn't stop it. She was going to learn how to stop it in her lesson with Fintan, but then they'd had to cancel it because she had to come here. Shoot. Thankfully, though, Fintan had taught her a bit of basic ways to avoid the Everblaze, and be fire-proof for a few minutes. She screamed when she saw her friends get devoured by the flames, tears flowing endlessly down her cheeks. She couldn't help them. It was too late. Suddenly, she saw Dex. He wasn't completely covered in a ball of Everblaze like the rest of her friends. She could save him.

She commanded some basic commands to the Everblaze, and it parted enough that she could grab Dex and drag him to the door.

"QUICK! THEY'RE COMING!" Marella screamed as she saw Vespera rushing to them. Dex yelled some Technopath jazz, and the door sprang open. She frantically reached for her leaping crystal, holding on tight to Dex as the light swept them away before Vespera could get them. 

Hi queens!

Sorry that this chapter was so sad :( I promise it will get brighter!

Word Count: 1009

I'm going to try and update this book like maybe every week since I'm also trying to update 'The Neverseen's Moonlark', 'Meant To Be'. Feel free to check those books out! I am a devoted Sokeefe shipper, so basically all my books are all Sokeefe fanfics XDDDD

See ya!

Stay sweet ;) 


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