I Thought I Had Nowhere to Go

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First of all, thank you for taking the time to read my story. I will be updating often. This chapter doesn't have romance but that's only to lay the ground work and things will heat up soon;) maybe... I make no promises

"Come back again and I'm going to do a lot worse than hit you." My now ex-boyfriends voice still rung in my head along with my burning cheek. The slap was so hard I could still feel each of his fingers making contact with my skin. I can't understand why he thought I would cheat on him. I was always faithful. And then I come home today, my hair still holding droplets of rain, when he starts screaming at me to get out. Now I can't distinguish which drops of water running down my face are tears or rain.

He made me go before I could even put my shoes back on. I had nothing. My feet were cold, the cuffs of my jeans were soaked, my tank top plastered to my body and my sweater holding water better than any sponge I had ever seen. I just want to sit down and cry and cry and cry. Where am I going to go? I don't have any family. I don't have any money. Things only got worse when a car swooshed by and soaked me, yet again, to the bone. Perfect. I have to look homeless by this point. Oh wait, I am.

"Hey, do you need some help?" A beautiful sounding voice called out to me

"I don't take help from strangers."

"You look like you could use any help you can take."

"Well that's your opinion." Couldn't this guy see I didn't want his help?

"It's a little cold to be out walking in the rain barefoot."

"My boyfriend threw me out. Please can't you just leave me alone? I've had a horrible day, I don't have anywhere to go, and I'm not in the mood to be kidnapped!"

The man slowed his car down as I kept walking. I heard a car door shut and turned around to see that beautiful face running after me. Lord, he was hot. Stop yourself, Evelyn. He's probably some creeper trying to take you home to his basement.

"Please just let me walk you to the nearest hotel and buy you a night so you can figure things out? I'm not taking no for an answer." He was being too nice...

"Fine if I don't have a choice"
"So why did your boyfriend throw you out?" The man, who I've come to finds name is Dominic.

"He accused me of cheating. I didn't though. He wouldn't listen to me no matter how hard I pleaded." We were sitting in the hotel room he had bought for me. I was starting to trust him more. We sat in silence for a few minutes. He stared off into space which o studied his timeless facial features. He looked like he was in his early 20's. I was 19. I guess we could work out.... No I needed to stop thinking like this.

"You said you have no where to go, correct?" Dominic asked me

"Do you have to rub it in?" I said sarcastically

"I can fix that for you. All you have to do is close your eyes and it will all go away." He said as he stared deep into my eyes

"Why should I trust you?" He looked like he was getting annoyed yet he still looked fascinated.

"Because" Dominic said like I little kid. I rolled my eyes with a slight smile and did as he said.

The next thing I know he's tearing into my neck with his fangs.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2015 ⏰

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