3. Kinda Sexy for a Robot, huh?

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Starscream looked at the sky with wide red eyes. His wings flicked and he heard once again from Gabby, "Only a couple hundred acres of space up and around, it's all we can give you."

His clawed hands shifted in the cuffs they constructed. He was ready, ready to fly. Gabby released the cuffs with the click of a button and Starscream jumped up and transformed before taking off quickly.

Angel looked at the plane in awe. Then she had a weird little grin as she whispered to Gabby, "Kinda sexy for a robot, huh?" she said before laughing.

Gabby groaned, "oh my god angel-" she paused and put a hand up to her earpiece. "Wait he's saying something-"

Yes, it was true, Starscream spoke into what was usually his comm line "Commander Starscream, to Lord Megatron, I've been held captive by the humans and only now have found a way out, they can't keep me from the specialty of the sky."

Gabby, who had taken over his former comm line, spoke "So, who's that?"

Starscream transformed back to his robot mode and landed on the ground still a fair way away from them. "WHAT?!"

Angel looked away. "Ummm, in case you forgot, we can hear your every word..."

Starscream groaned and stood tall where he was. "By Skyfire's grave, how could I forget the pain in my wing? Oh right, I got fragging used to it!" he barked on the comm line.

The girls were silent for a few seconds before Angel said "well dang..."

Starscream only hissed before taking off in the sky again, going back where the girls were in the air above him and doing loops, turns, and tricks to let his wings ache less. "If only my brothers were here," he murmured.

Angel whispered to Gabby, 'Something's up with him. I mean, there's definitely gonna be something up with someone if they get ripped away from their family and planet, abducted by an unknown species, in other words, us."

Gabby nodded "I agree but at the same time we can't just let him go."

Angel thinks for a moment. "I just had an evil idea" she whispered. "What if we put a tracker on him without his knowledge, then we let him go, he will be tracked to his home planet, and we can follow him."

Gabby smiled, "you mean like a mars Rover!? Then uh, yeah!"

Angel sighed. "I'll go ahead and ask a tracker to be made," she says as she pulls a walkie-talkie out of her pocket. "Hey yall, I need one tracker for the robot we abducted a week ago. I need it to where the robot can't feel it, so nothing that pinches or anything. Something micro-sized."

Gabby smiled, "Let's give a few more minutes to fly."

Angel nodded. "I actually wanna get to know him. He seems like he would be nice to people he trusts. And I'm trustworthy, right?" Angel looks at gabby.

"No. No, you're not." Gabby tells her.

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