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a u t h o r 's   n o t e

[previously titled Scar-Crossed]

This is a story about pain and grief. This is a story for those readers who know what it feels like to lose someone special to you.

This story focuses on developing the main character, Valerie. Plot-wise, it will go almost nowhere. Don't come here looking for humor or adventure or action. This is a story about learning to move on, learning to remember the happy times, learning to let go of the pain.

s y n o p s i s

Normalcy ended for Valerie Nichols long ago. She suspected it when her dad died and confirmed it when she found her mother dead a month later. Now, she's hoping to regain some sense of order in her life as she moves across the country to live with an old family friend, who may be the only person alive who can answer Valerie's questions about her mother's death.

But plans change, and Valerie discovers that maybe dredging up the past isn't the answer. Maybe the answer is simply empathy, which she finds in Jason Stone, a fellow classmate who understands exactly what Valerie is going through—perhaps too well. And maybe Valerie doesn't need answers. Maybe all she needs is the comforting presence of a certain boy with haunted gray eyes.

Valerie and Jason's story is by no means serendipitous, but scar-crossed lovers are infinitely better than star-crossed lovers, and maybe they'll find that grief has a funny way of bringing people together.

d i s c l a i m e r

    – depressive symptoms

– death ( + suicide)

– a lot of introspective teen angst   

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