The Party

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Music, laughter and the delicious smell of food filled the air. The party had been going on for a few hours but the energy had still not died down.

Bucky felt safe. Being around such a nice atmosphere made him feel and act like a better person. It was a great place to be.

He sat on a deckchair just watching everyone at the party. Eating, talking, dancing and just having fun. Sarah's smile had not left her face since the party had begun at 3.

It made Bucky smile.

'Hey Bucky!'

Bucky turned to see Sam. He sat beside him. Bucky instantly changed his posture.

He sat up straighter, turned on a (Hopefully charming) smile and prepared himself for conversation.


Oh no.

He had forgotten how to speak.

'Why aren't you eating?'
'Oh I had a plate earlier. I'm full now'

Successful talking.

(Pat on the back)

Sam nodded, smiling and leaned in a bit closer to Bucky without looking away from the party. Bucky tensed up.

'What about dancing?'

Bucky swallowed nervously. He could hear the... Flirtatious tone in Sam's voice.

He didn't know how to respond to this kind of Sam.

He had already failed miserably earlier.

Sam was still talking.

'You seemed pretty good at it yesterday'

Bucky felt himself blushing. He hoped it wasn't obvious.

'Um... Not really'

Sam turned to face him.

'Yeah you're not good'

Bucky was confused now. He decided to joke.

'And you're any better?'
'OK fine. You are good. I'm not... But maybe you could teach me?'

Sam looked at him, the corner of his mouth twitching up into a smile.


So this was modern flirting.


He would try it.

Bucky slowly turned to Sam. He paused and made the decision. He put his hand on Sam's arm, leaning towards him.

'I guess I could arrange that'

Now it was Sam's turn to look flustered. He hadn't expected that response.

Bucky turned on the full 40s charm.

'You'd like that... Right, doll?'

Sam froze and Bucky stopped.

Had he made a mistake?

He moved away from Sam, feeling embarrassed. He hoped no one had heard that.

But Sam instead smiled.

'OK then... Doll'

Bucky's eyes widened.


Maybe 40s flirting did work on Sam.

He hoped so. It was what he did best.

Sam stood up from his chair suddenly. He began to walk away before turning. Bucky felt dejected.

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