Sail to Puerto Rico

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It was a warm day on the island as George sat on the back steps of the gazebo, watching as the sea foam advanced and retreated in the distance. Strips of sunlight peeked in between the parted clouds and paired with the fresh breeze of the ocean ahead, it welcomed him to a new adventure.

"Sapnap, I thought I told you to bring one bag," Dream groaned.

George glanced over his shoulder and snorted at the sight of Sapnap struggling to make his way up the front steps with a huge suitcase.

He dumped the suitcase on the highest step and rested his hands on his knees while he struggled to catch his breath. Then he wiped the sweat off his forehead, fixed the stray hairs sticking out of his bandana, and looked up at them with a toothy grin.

When he noticed Dream staring down at him with an unamused expression, Sapnap pouted, crossed his arms, and said, "It's all my necessities."

George scoffed, all too familiar with Sapnap's temper tantrums. He had once even set Dream's baton on fire after accusing him of cheating during a "friendly" match.

Dream pinched the bridge of his nose and inhaled a long breath. "Okay then."

He turned on his heel, pulled up the sleeves of his hoodie, and took out his tablet from his backpack. George wasn't sure how Dream could stand wearing that smiley-face hoodie during the summer. A part of him was certain he was mostly doing it because he knew George found it annoying.

"What's the plan, chief?" asked Sapnap.

Without looking up from his tablet, Dream replied, "The plan is to get to Puerto Rico bay and sneak into one of the cruise ships to Florida."

"Do you expect us to swim all the way to Puerto Rico?" George's sarcastic remark made Dream's serious expression shift into one of faint amusement.

"Sure thing," he replied.

"Can't you, like, fly us there?" Sapnap said.

"You know I can barely lift a boulder. How am I supposed to fly your fat arse out there?"

With a bemused smirk, Sapnap replied, "George, I had no idea you spent your time admiring my ass."

George huffed and stuck out his tongue to which Sapnap returned the gesture.

"You won't need to." Dream nodded toward the beach and led them down to the docks.

Although it was prohibited to leave the island unless it was on a registered vessel or the ferry that stopped by twice a day, the students were allowed to hang out by the docks. As such, George and his friends had always enjoyed stopping by to sit above the water and point out the occasional dolphin in the distance or fool around and splash water at each other. Winter sunsets were especially nice to sit through, and even though George couldn't fully experience the colorful horizon with his color blindness, he enjoyed it when Dream took down their mind block and he could steep in his pleasant aura.

Upon arriving at the docks, George frowned and asked, "Uh, what is that?"

"Our ride," Skeppy announced with a grin and gestured toward the old man who was idly leafing through a magazine while sitting at the driver's seat of a small motorboat. He was leaning back on his cushioned seat and chewing on a soggy sandwich half-wrapped in foil, enjoying the day as if he wasn't in the presence of four soon-to-be fugitive EMs talking about him within hearing range.

"Skeppy... I told you to get us a boat." Dream pointed in between the four of them. "Us."

"Yeah, I got us a ride!"

"How do you know he won't rat us out?" Sapnap asked.

"He won't." Skeppy stood akimbo, teeth glinting with confidence and the spikes of his hair swaying with the ocean breeze. "I'm paying him good."

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