Chapter 4

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"Well where should I start, I guess I should tell you I have infantile amnesia," Ray spoke. Pidge blinked a few times making sure she heard right. 

"You mean, the case where people remember everything since the moment they were born?" Pidge recapted. Ray nodded. "I remember being born, I remember entering an orphanage, I remember ... demon faces," Ray glazed over to Pidge to see her reaction. As he predicted, her eyes went wide. "Demons?" She repeated as if to make sure she heard correctly. Ray nodded again. "Yeah demons, turns out humans and demons once lived in the same world."

"They hunted each other non stop. So they came to an agreement, the demons would leave the current world and the humans would stay in this world. That way the hunting stops,"

 "Are you sure you're not messing with me?" Pidge asked him, she seemed rather..scared. Emma shook her head no. "Why would he lie, the only reason why someone lies is to hide something or to gain something."

"You have a point there, continue," Pidge told Ray. "The demons ended up taking some humans with them. And over the years they made a farm. A dang farm. They made kids believe it was an orphanage,"

"They made a human farm..?" Pidge's expression now seemed frightened and disgusted. "That's right," This time, Emma spoke. "They made kids study and believe when they were getting sent out they would be getting adopted."

"Why did they make you study?"

 "Turns out the most delicious part of the human body was the brain. So the more developed it was, the more delicious it was," Emma's voice sounded serious yet amusing. "That's..just disgusting," Pidge commented.

"The more developed your brain was, the more years you got to live. So when Emma found out the shocking truth, she just had to come up with a plan to get everyone out. Like if I weren't planning something for YEARS to just be thrown away," Ray said, still annoyed about that. "But it all worked out in the end Ray, calm down," Emma assured him, chuckling a bit.

 "This doesn't add up, according to the blade of marmora you're part of galra. But you're saying you were born in another world filled with demons-"

"Let me cut you off there. There's different types of demons. I was surprised when they accused me of being part galra. At first I thought, maybe galras exist in the other world too. But that didn't make a lot of sense, so I came up with another theory. The theory was that there was a shapeshifter demon or something. So in order to put this into test, I tried to copy small things about aliens. Like ears, hands, and nose. And turns out, I was right. My biological mother fucked a fucking shapeshifter demon."

"I wonder if my biological mother also did..." Emma thought out loud. "Please let's not talk about our mother's fucking people," Pidge spoke. Emma and Ray chuckled and agreed.

 "So we came up with this whole plan, it was a lot harder than it sounds. Our caretaker, which we referred to as mom, was so smart it was hard to trick her. She always seemed one step ahead, we ended up getting away though. All you need to know, it's just that it was hard, so when we finally made it to this world, we went to foster care and eventually most of us got adopted."

Pidge looked down to her feet. She could not believe this, but she knew for a fact that Keith would never lie about something like this. Still, she couldn't help but have questions. "Why did Emma call you Ray?" Was the first thing that came to her mind.

"That's my real name, my adopted parents just so happen to change my name. I don't know why though,"

 "Where's your parents so I can confront them about changing your awesome name that gave you meaning," Emma joked. "One's dead, the other missing,"

"Wow," There was a bit of an awkward silence. "Did you guys ever have good memories of the orphanage? Or farm, whatever you call it..." Pidge asked them, trying to break the silence. "Well, before I discovered the demons, my life was pretty happy," Emma confessed. Remembering those times. "You know, I don't know if it's me being traumatized or just a way of coping, one time Ray was about to set himself on fire. I stopped him of course but it's funny how he always makes jokes about death now,"

"Fire's nice," Ray said chuckling. 

"That's one way to die suffering," Emma said looking over at Ray. She had this expression where she was clearly tired but found it funny of Ray's fire obsession. 

"Did you two ever go to therapy?" Pidge asked them concerned. 

"Who needs therapy?" Ray asked acting fine. 

"Clearly you two," Pidge commented. 

.   .    . 

"Nonsense," Emma said. 

Memory Five : 

"You kids are clearly traumatized I would suggest you to go to theraphy before setting you up for foster care," The caretaker at the human world suggested. "What makes you say that? We're all acting pretty normal and mature for our age," Emma said blankly. "That may be the case now, but as you get older the side effects might start to kick in..." The caretaker told them worried. 

"Like what?" Ray asked. "Likeeeeeeeee not trusting anyone, abandonment issues, not wanting to get close to adults because you might think they will sell you," She pointed out. "I doubt we'll have any of those. We know better than that, right guys?" Ray said turning to everyone who agreed and nodded. 

The caretaker ended up giving up and said in the future they should end up going if anything happens. Spoiler alert : They all end up needing it but don't go to therapy. 

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