Chapter 48

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Another long one ;)

"Be ready," Dundar ordered his family when they regrouped in their pavilion to discuss what they would do. "We're leaving."

"What about Osman?" Ceyda reminded, watching Dundar curiously as Aygul glanced at her, remembering Osman's words.

"Osman... is young. We don't need to worry about his words; they are meaningless. I will speak with Bamsi Bey and Gunduz and invite them to Aygul's wedding while you finish the preparations." With that, Dundar left the marquee and headed toward Ertugrul Gazi's while Zohre glanced around the tent for anything they might have missed while packing.

Ceyda looked down at her right hand and sighed. She would be of no help now that her hand was damaged, though it had been a few weeks since the injury, and Ceyda hoped it would be nearly healed now- enough so she could fight with it at least.

Zohre noticed Ceyda gazing at her injured hand longingly and smiled. "Let's see if it's better now, shall we, Ceyda?"

Ceyda, surprised Zohre read her thoughts, looked up at her and grinned. "Are you serious?"

"Of course," Zohre chuckled, glancing at Aygul who seemed deep in thought, then snapped into reality once she noticed Zohre eyeing her.

"InshaAllah, it has healed," Aygul prayed, smiling at her cousin who grinned back, overjoyed by the idea of slicing through infidels.

"Come." Zohre signalled for them to follow her as she exited their marquee and headed toward the Healing Tent. Ceyda, nearly tripping over the steps with over-excitement, practically skipped to the Tent, earning amused yet slightly confused looks. "She's 18 and still acts like an 8-year-old. Allah, what am I going to do with this child?" Zohre sighed as she speed-walked to catch up with her, and Aygul held back a chortle.

Ceyda panted into the Healing Tent and paced in her spot, peering for Zohre and Aygul, impatiently waiting for Zohre to unravel the cloth wrapped around her hand. When she spotted them coming closer, she gestured for them to come faster, rapidly moving her good hand toward her until they arrived. "You took forever," she complained, placing her hand on the bed.

"Calm down, Ceyda. Your hand is not going anywhere. Quit being overdramatic and hold it up," Aygul snapped, pretending to be annoyed as Ceyda narrowed her eyes at her.

"Ana, will you tell your daughter to know her place? She's being quite a bother," Ceyda said in an airy voice, playfully turning her face away from Aygul as if she didn't want to deal with her.

Zohre hid a smile and cleared her throat before scolding, "Ceyda, know your place." Ceyda jerked her head to Zohre with a confused and exaggerated hurt look while Aygul snickered.

"I meant your other daughter," Ceyda clarified, shooting the mother and daughter a mock-offended look as they shared witty expressions before waving her hand to grab their attention. "Haydi, quickly. I'll die of curiosity."

"Sabir, Ceyda..." Zohre reached out her hand for Ceyda's wounded one and signalled to Aygul to grab a jug of water before slowly unravelling the rather firmly wrapped cloth and raising her brow. "Who wrapped this?"

"Aynur Hatun... someone I met at Alisar's kiosk. I hope to meet her again soon. She was so kind-" Before she could finish, Zohre pulled off the cloth cleanly, revealing faint yet noticeable cauterized scars on Ceyda's slender hand. The medicine used on her hand worked. Ceyda tried wiggling her fingers, and she winced at first but managed to move them smoother after trying more. She smiled gratefully and silently thanked Allah as she reached for something to hold.

"Wait, wait," Zohre calmed, putting the blood-stained cloth aside and taking the jug of water from Aygul as she slid a fairly large steel bowl under her hand. "This might sting a little." Zohre slowly tipped the jug and the water poured over the healing hand.

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