Chapter 2: Uncertainty

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My bare feet felt like they were bruised and slightly cut in some places from walking on the rough forest floor

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My bare feet felt like they were bruised and slightly cut in some places from walking on the rough forest floor. About an hour had passed since we started walking, and I was staring to get more concerned with Jins body temperature.

With every passing hour the air grew colder, and his sweater didn't look like it was doing a good job of keeping him warm.

I started to shrug Jins jacket off of my shoulders, until he placed a firm hand on my left shoulder to stop me.

"No Miray, you keep it on. If one of us is going to be warm it should be you. You're going to freeze to death within the first five minutes without that jacket." His reassurance didn't help me, because I felt guilty for his uncomfortableness.

A quite frustrated sigh escaped from me before he helped me shrug the jacket back onto my shoulders.

"Don't worry Miray, our house is really close by so Jin will be warmed up in no time!" Hoseoks uplifting attitude was contagious. His voice enthusiastic voice filled the forest with stories and memories that he shared with me.

A bright warm yellow light was visible through the spaces in between the trees and leaves of the forest.
The amount of trees decreased with every step that we took, and eventually we were in a clearing where there was no trees or bushes to be seen.

A gorgeous mansion lay a few meters ahead of us. Everything about it looked elegant and grand.

Jin gently grabbed my hand and started running to the entrance of the home.

Icy air blew in our faces as we ran through the field, the rest of the boys walking at a steady pace behind us.

Jins hand slipped down into his pant pocket and retrieved a large ring filled with keys for the numerous door locks. Jin struggled to fit the key into the keyhole, probably due to the temperature of the frosty air.

A hand reached out and gently moved Jin away from the door.

"I can do it Hyung." Said the unfamiliar male voice.

The man stepped in front of the door, his back facing me so I was unable to see his face.

"Thank you Jungkook" Jin spoke quietly.

As Jungkook worked the locks, Jin took a step backwards so that he was back to my side. His arms wrapped around his body, and while slightly shivering.

I could now see his features under the yellow light from the house.

He was quite tall, had full lips, and broad shoulders.

Beautiful wasn't enough to describe his ethereal looks.

Everyone was now waiting behind Jin and myself, and patiently watched Jungkook work the last lock of the door.

The door swung open and revealed a fully lit interior that seemed to stretch for miles.

My jaw dropped at the sight, of the beautiful architecture.  Until a hand was softly placed on my shoulder. I looked to my right where the hand came from, and my eyes were met with dark brown ones.

He too was also jaw dropping gorgeous. He had plump lips, soft round cheeks, strong jawline, and a mischievous grin.

"I know that my face is extravagant, but you should close your mouth before a bug flies in." His remark made me realize that my mouth was still open in awe of the beautiful men that surrounded me.

I felt like kicking myself. I was admiring the beauty of the house and didn't notice that I was gawking at the man as well.

"Jimin give her a break" said a low, and tired voice from behind us.

Jimin still gazed at my face as I looked back to see who the other man was behind us.

My heart stuttered, when my eyes landed on four men standing behind me and Jimin.

How could there be so many such incredibly good looking men in one area?

Whether if this was a dream or not, I never wanted to wake up.

I could feel my cheeks turning red. Embarrassment from blushing made the blood rush faster into my face.

You're such an idiot Miray, just calm down. The voice inside my head scolded.

A familiar hand grasped my left one and lightly tugged me along with it. Jimin's light grasp let go of my shoulder which I had forgotten about while staring at the men behind me.

"Let's get inside before we turn into ice." Jin said.

I heard footsteps follow behind me and Jin, and the sound of the door closing echoed through the large space of the house.

A wave of excitement, anxiety, and confusion repeatedly washed over my soul like the rhythmic waves on a sandy beach.

If this was a dream, then how do I wake up? Remembering my failed attempt to wake myself up only increased my anxiety and my heart rate.

But what if this somehow wasn't a dream? How did I get here? Was I currently in my physical awake body, or was this a projection of my physical body.

Would I ever get to see my friends and family again, or was I stuck here forever?

Hundreds of questions raced through my head as Jin lead me up a flight of stairs.

The most important question of them all is what scared me more than anything.

'Was I safe?'


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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