Chapter 7

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Me and Kol walk-in at the same time 

Kol and El - What 

Kol - I have magic 

Elena - At least you don't have to take shit from them anymore 

Kol - Well that's true it was getting annoying 

Klaus - It smells like lust in here why 

Elena and Kol look at each other and look down and Rebekah looks at them and realize what happened she starts to laugh her as off 

Rebekah - Ew (still laughing) 

Sam and Dean walk-in 

Sam - My sister is not a Tatia 3.000006, ok so don't treat her like one so, no love triangles or squares ok we don't need another Damon and Stefan 

Jeremy comes in and like telepathy Elena and Jeremy say 

El&Jer-Amen to that  this is not twilight (they start laughing)

Dean - Stop that's really freaky and weird it's freaking me out I've seen a lot 

Bobby comes in with Mia 

Bobby -  Oh really you idjiots 

Mia - Mommy 

Elena - Hey baby how are you 

Mia  - I'm fine can we go to the park now, please?

Elena - Yes Hunny Jeremey put her in the car 

Jeremy goes to put mia in the car as Elena gets her keys 

Klaus - Also um we killed Lucas sorry 

Elena - It's whatever Crowley you wanna come to the park 

Crowley - do I have a choice in the matter 

Elena - No Bring your ass 

They all go to the car and drive to the park 

Klaus - Were is Caroline and bonnie 

Elena - At the Bar getting drunk off their asses 

Crowley - The Bonnie Bennett 

Klaus - Yea why 

Crowley - Well they are powerful ever heard of Quetsiyah Bennett

Kol - The Quetsiyah the one who created the immortality spell

Crowley - Yes who else like Silas Salvatore looks like Stefon I that was his name 

Klaus - Stefan wait so Stefan is a doppelganger 

Crowley - No a unicorn

The Originals look at him confused 

Crowley - Yes a Doppelganger what do you think dumbasses

Elena is laughing her ass off and looks at Crowley 

Elena - did you just make a teen wolf reference 

Crowley - You have got me watching it, it's your fault we're here 

Elena parks and Mia hopes out the car and runs to the slides 

Elena - I know 

Rebekah and Crowley go to play with mia before Elena even gets out of the car 'Stupid Vamp Speed'

Klaus - So Morningstar and A Winchester and A Daughter you have a lot on your plate

Elena - I can deal with it, as I dealt with you and the Salvatores

Elijah - What if the Salatore's find you

Elena - I kill them they try to control my life while you try to end it 

Klaus - NO that's not- 

Elena - I'd rather die happy than be controlled for the rest of my life as long as my daughter is happy I'm happy 

Elena walks off to her daughter as she is on the monkey bars 

Klaus - That's something i'd never see coming 

Elijah - The Lovely Elena is More dangerous when it comes to her daughter 

Kol - That child needs a stable home and Nik if you want a doppelganger willing to give you her blood in the next 500 years take care of mia 

Elijah - And be nice to Elena she has connections that will get you places 

Klaus - I know and I will but it just about the doppelganger anymore I love her 

Kol&Elijah - We all do 

Klaus - Share?

Kol&Elijah - Yea Pretty Much 

They all walk to Elena and Mia they're all smiling and playing with mia 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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