Chapter -25

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                                NO ONE POV

Hoseok hold jeongguk who is drunk and rambling inhuman words to him

He suddenly starts laughing making hoseok startled by the younger act

He satre at jeongguk while not trying to throw him to the ground and leave him there

" Hyungieeeeeeee" Jeongguk yelled while making hoseok more annoyed as he is screaming his heart out in front of his ears making it more worst

" What " Hoseok yelled back, while rubbing his ears and throwing jeongguk in the ground

Jeongguk looks at the hoseok with his puppy eyes and making hoseok regret his act

" Sorry gguk " Hoseok said while kneeling to lift him from the ground, jeongguk didn't beget and lie down on the ground while throwing his legs in the air and wincing

Hoseok look around when younger was busy throwing his tantrum like a child on the ground, he relief when he sees no one in the street

He again tries to help jeongguk and lift him but this time jeongguk pout his lips and slap away hoseok hand

" What happened gguk?" Hoseok asked even though he knows that younger is just angry with him

" You throw me on the ground " Jeongguk said and sit on the ground with his hand's folds in his chest

Hoseok rolled his eyes when he relized that he has to now take care  of this childish jeongguk, who only show up whenever he gets drunk

And it's not even his first time, hoseok knows jeongguk more than anyone in the world

" Gguk please let's go home okay Taehyung is waiting for you " Hoseok said to jeongguk so he can take jeongguk home as soon as he can

After just hearing what just hoseok said, jeongguk eyes gets lit up and he looks brightly and with shinny eyes at his hyung

" My pumpkin is waiting for me hyung?" Jeongguk asked with so much affection and hope in his voice

Hoseok gulped and looks at him and just nodded his head

" Then let's go, we don't want him to cry and wait for me any longer " Jeongguk said and start walking to their vehicle which is parked very well in the parking area

Hoseok just smiles and hope that this relationship lives longer than his previous ones

After that hoseok drives to jeongguk apartment way while listening to the whole rambling jeongguk is saying about his pumpkin and how he realises that he loves his pumpkin

Which is kinda very difficult for hoseok to believe because it's very sooner for jeongguk to fall in love with taehyung

But he doesn't judge him and he knows that taehyung is the best for jeonggu

And he has been noticing the jeongguk behaviour which is more happy and cheerful than previously

Which is he really glad about it and wants to thanks taehyung to makes him this much happy

He hold jeongguk and opens the apartment door but to his surprised, no one is there, he looks around but didn't find taehyung

He throw jeongguk on the couch and starts searching for taehyung  , who is nowhere to found

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