Debut (.EDITED )

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Nabee was so nervous as tpday was her debut, She had been waiting for almost 6 yrs now.

This is her outfit for her debut showcase.

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Nabee : Ahh Unnie, I'm so nervous !

She said to her manager.

Manager : It's okay don't be, your fans are already waiting outside to see you debut.

NB : I know but....what if I mess up ?

Manager : You won't, you've worked day and night for this. Oh- Look ! It's time for you to head onstage ! Fighting !

The manger said, as Nabee smiled and mouthed fighting to her and left to go on stage.


Nabee POV

This is it Hyejin ! You're finally debuting. You can do this ! Let's go !

I thought to my self before the VCR started.

I took deep breathes getting ready for my performance.

The VCR ended. It's time for me to start.


The performance ended.

I waved at the audience before leaving the stage.

This is it ! I've made my debut !

I went baclstage only to be congratulated by my manager and my crew.

I broke down in tears....of happiness of course.

There were more people in the audience cheering for me than I thought there would be.

As I was preforming, My MV got released.

Shortly after, someone entered my waiting room.

It was Rose-sunbaenim, she had been promoting her Solo today.

RS : Annyeonghaseo~

She said as she bowed and I bowed back gretting her aswell.

NB : Annyeonghaseo~

RS : Well congrats on your debut ! I saw.your performance in my waiting room. It was amazing, I liked it !

She said

NB : Oh thank you ! I liked -R- too !

RS.: Oh thank you !

She said getting flustered.

We talked for a bit before she had to go.

Well, guess debuting isnt that scary after all.

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