I wanted you

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I wanted you more than anything. I wanted your laughter, your smiles. The shine in your eyes whenever you talked about something you were passionate about. I wanted your arms wrapped around me, and random kisses feathered on my cheeks. I wanted your sarcasm and dry humor. The sarcastic remarks and smart ass comments. I wanted your lust and I wanted your love. I wanted your hate. I wanted you to stare at me and then look away when I turned towards you. I wanted you to let me catch you staring from time to time. I wanted you to run your hands through my hair. I wanted you to pull me close. I wanted you to hold me, comfort me. I wanted your good days and your bad days. I wanted your sick days and your happy days. I wanted your nightmares and fears. I wanted your hopes and dreams. But what I wanted the most? What I wanted more than anything else in this world? I wanted you to want me the way I wanted you. But you didn't. You couldn't. You wanted her. And that's why I had to let you go. Because I need someone to want me just as much if not more than I want them. And I want to believe that you'll be that person. I want to believe that one day you'll learn to want me.

- M. Soles

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