A warning for further chapters

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This isn't a chapter unfortunately.

I'm writing this to tell anyone who is still reading this fanfiction, this isn't gonna be perfect in any way shape or form. I've read most of the web novel and I know most things about the Re: Zero world and how it works, but unfortunately this fanfic can't be entirely accurate.

The Re:Zero world has too much lore for this type of fanfic I'm trying to write and some of my choices for characters are basically unknown by themselves (Pandora). I have been doing my best to make up for it by replacing them with my own ideas, however, many people who've read my fanfic don't like the way I do this and make it seem like I'm trying to change everything about how Re:Zero world. Therefore, I'm writing this to explain to everyone reading this that this fanfic isn't gonna be like the normal ones you see floating around that follow the original story and only change some elements. What I'm trying to do is make a whole different route from Re:Zero and make an original story using the characters from it. So you see, not everything here is gonna be 100% accurate without any problems whatsoever.

What brought this problem to my attention is when I was talking to some people in the "Watching him die again and again" fanfiction Discord server. I told them I was the writer of this fanfic and they were pissed off at my writing skills and my how my fanfic didn't seem to make sense to them because of how overpowered some characters are like Ram and Subaru. A relatively large amount of them called my fanfic "shit" just because I made Subaru overpowered; many of them were just completely confused at how two-horned Ram lost to Subaru. I tried to explain it to them but even using spoilers they still tried to make it seem like I was pulling information out of my ass and didn't know what the fuck I was talking about even though only one person out of everyone there actually read it instead of skimming. So now, I've spent days and nights trying to figure out how I can fix the plot to fit their needs but... I'm done. I'm tired of trying to find a way to please them and searching for hours and hours of lore and guides trying to figure out exactly what the fuck they were talking about for a fucking fanfiction that 90% of people probably aren't even gonna read. Therefore, putting that aside, I want you guys to read this fanfic like you were reading a new story. Don't question literally everything and compare it to the actual timeline Re:Zero every five seconds because what I'm doing is making a second timeline and using the Re:Zero world as a basis for the story.

Of course, after reading this, if this story wasn't what you were looking for you're welcome to leave but if you do ever decide to come back I hope you'll read this story how I intended it to be.

Also the fifth chapter is now being worked on as of right now. :) 

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