No# 23 WHAT?!

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~B/N's PoV~

I was with Dre and his mom. I was sitting beside Dre while Mrs. Parker was across us. We were eating noodles

"There's no such thing as fortune cookies in China." Mrs. Parker started a conversation. I glanced at Dre to see him staring at his mom. I looked at him weirdly and continue to slurp at my noodles

"Dre, please be careful crossing the street." Mrs. Parker said
"You just scared the life out of me, the other day. They have the "right-of-way"." She then saw Dre looking at her

"And the symbols. I can't get the symbols right on the bathrooms." She says and try ignoring Dre's weird stare at her

"And I'm still walkin' into the men's restroom.
The other day I walked in, there was this 90 years old Chinese man,
he thought he was getting a little treat." She said and had enough at Dre
"Dre, please stop that! You look crazy! Here, eat your noodles!" She exclaimed as she push the noodles closer to him


I was with Dre and Mr. Han. Dre was practicing, Mr. Han was holding this kind of stick and on the end of it like a boxing globe

"Mr. Han, what's goin' on?" I heard Dre asked on the other side of the bedsheet that was hanging to dry. He was suddenly hit by Mr. Han by the stick. Dre groaned in pain

"Anticipation." Mr. Han told him. Dre looked down at the bedsheet to look at us "I can't see..." he was cut off by Mr. Han hitting his face

"Don't see it, feel it." Mr. Han told him. He then got hit on the balls and Dre hissed and groaned in pain
"Dammit, Mr. Han! I felt that one!" He exclaimed

"Mr. Han." He asked "What?" He said as he kept hitting him with the stick while i hid my laughter but Dre must have heard it

"Stop laughing, B/N. One day you'll be in my place" He exclaimed trying to dodge the stick

"Concentrate, okay?" Mr. Han told him as he looked at him face to face "Okay. Do I get the stick now? I need to use it on someone that deserves it" Dre says as he glared at B/N, who quickly ran away from Dre


"What's up Mr. Han, what time we are trainin' tomorrow?" Dre asked. It was night time and he wasn't wearing a shirt because of the training

Mr. Han was wiping the car with a towel
"Xiao Dre, we are not training tomorrow" Mr. Han says as he kept wiping the car. Dre looked at him, confused "Why not?"
"Wu Ji Bi fan" "Wu Ji Bi fan?" Dre asked

"It means: Too much of something is not good." The man tells him
"You train a lot, you need to rest." He continued, while glancing at Dre in his shoulder
"A day off? Yes, Mr. Han! Yes!" Dre says as he grabbed his bag and out on his shirt

"Xiao Dre needs to rest. Yes, Mr. Han.
You rest, too. I love you, Mr. Han. Peace!" Dre says as we head out "Bye, Mr. Han" I waved goodbye and followed Dre


I was at school, heading to my locker and minding my own business. When suddenly..

"B/N!" I heard someone yell my name. The voice was unfamiliar to me, i look back to see a random student

He rushed towards me and stopped in front of me. He panted slightly and stood up straight "Hello, can i help you?" I asked, politely

"Is it true that your gonna fight the tournament?"

I frantically shook my head at him

"No! I'm not. My friend, Dre Parker is gonna fight, not me!" I exclaimed. A lot of questions was filling in my head

"Well, everybody in the school has been talking about it for weeks. Haven't you heard about it?" He says and i wasn't listening to him because i was super shocked

"I gotta go.." I told him and ran away to go to Mr. Han's house


I arrived at the maintenance's house and rushed inside. Mr. Han was in the backyard, watering the plants. He saw me and looked at me in a confused face

"What you doing here?" He asked. I panted slightly and quickly said "I WAS GONNA FIGHT THE TOURNAMENT, NOT DRE!" But what i said was an exclaim

His eyes widened and dropped the water can "What do you mean?" He asked "One student told me i was gonna fight the tournament, not Dre!" I told him. He rushed pass me and said "Let's go to the dojo"


Me and Mr. Han arrived at the dojo and went inside. We saw all the students in the platform, practicing and Master Li was in the bench, sitting

When they heard the door open, all eyes were on us. Master Li looked at us and stood up "Why are you two here?" He asked

"Master Li, i thought Dre is gonna fight the tournament, not B/N" Mr. Han started. Master Li jumped off the platform and walked towards us

"What do you mean? You said he will be fighting the tournament" Master Li says as he eyed Mr. Han

"I did not say that" Mr. Han told him. Master Li just smirked "Well, you misunderstood. He will be fighting the tournament, not that boy your talking about" He says to Mr. Han

I grabbed my hair in frustration "That's why the students was looking at me.. They knew i was gonna fight, not Dre" i murmured to myself

"Master Li... He cannot fight, i'm already training Dre Parker" Mr. Han told him. Master Li's smirk didn't drop "Well, you did not made your deal clear. He fights, whether he likes it or not. End of discussion" He says and walked back to the platform. All the students' eyes were on me

Unknown to me that one person was looking at me in a worried expression, knowing he'll fight me in the tournament and gonna hurt me

1021 words. . .

(2 updates? Whhhaattt.. i need sleep so you'll be not seeing the next chapter for a while- jk)

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