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As I got outside I swear it was cooler indoors, I felt compelled to walk back in but I saw my brothers by the pool and walked towards them.
All of them looked kinda relaxed , for once.
At least no one was trying to kill each other, i smiled to myself.
As i got closer Dick waved his hand and I waved back , it caught the others attention as I got closer and closer.
"Hey Hels" Jay said
"Yh , hey" said Tim
"Hey guys, surprised to see you two here"
"Just trying to enjoy the sun" Jay replied with a smirk
"Sister, come sit next to me" Damian said
"Thanks Damian"
I sat next to Damian with the sun scorching me , I felt like i was being baked alive but knew how to hide it.
As I  considered actually jumping into the pool , Dick got up , took his shirt off and jumped into the pool, water splashing everywhere.
"You Dickhead, now you got me all fucking wet" Jay exclaimed
"It's not a big deal, don't tell me that Jaybird is scared of a little water" Dick replied with a grin
"I'll show you fucking scared" Jay said as he took his shirt off and jumped in after Dick
For a couple minutes it looked like a competition of who could drown the other one faster, until finally they stopped when Tim eventually jumped in. Now it was two against one.
As the others were fighting , me and Damian were having a conversation about random things such as school and our love of animals etc. I asked him why he isn't in the pool and he said he wouldn't join until those 'imbeciles' had calmed down like actual human beings.
When the others had calmed down they tried to get both me and Damian in the pool, we both refused.
"I will not join in your silly game" Damian said proudly
"Oh come on Damian , don't tell me you cant swim or something" Tim said with a smirk
"How dare you Drake, I am a refined swimmer"
"Then prove it" Tim said back
As Damian got up I could see Jay had slipped behind him , he lifted Damian up and chucked him into the pool.
I tried my best not to laugh.
Jay and Tim were in hysterics , Dick looked more concerned than amused and Damian was absolutely furious.
"How dare you Todd! I should drown you right now and send you back to hell for disrespecting me in such a way!"
"Lil D , calm down it was just a stupid prank. Jay meant nothing against it. Right, Jaybird?" Dick tried to reassure
"Not if I somehow 'accidentally' drown him first" Jay said, half joking half serious
Before Damian could even argue back , Tim asked me why I wasn't swimming.
I said I didn't feel like it, my brothers tried to convince me to join but I refused. They all exchanged looks but in the end knew better than to argue with me, I was relieved they decided to back off.

As time went on , we talked , ate , drank etc, they kept asking me to join and I said no. They started to play a game , a rather violent game but nothing that would end in murder, hopefully.
I got up to go get my drink but one of them or two ended up pulling me into the pool as a prank.
"Seriously guys!?" Dick said
"Just a joke" Tim and Jay said in unison
"She said she didn't want to go in the pool , you morons" Damian said with a slight angry tone in his voice
"Oh sorry" said Tim
"Yh, sorry Hels" said Jay
"It's fine" I said "No problem, just now I have to get some new clothes on"
I got out the pool as quickly as possible , I tried to make sure my white t-shirt didn't completely stick to my skin revealing my scars, but it did reveal my sports bra I had on.
"There's no point in getting the house wet, Alfred will kill you. Just take your top off and put my jacket on , you can dry off out here before going back in" Jay said
Internally I was screaming and wanted to sprint back in the house , but I knew I couldn't.
I was hesitant at first , making all the boys give each other suspicious glances.
I knew I had to, I just didn't want to.

I take my top off to reveal my museum of bruises , fresh cuts and scars that stained my slim muscular body. I tried to act as if everything was normal, tried to act as if I didn't notice my brothers all staring directly at me , I think even Tim gasped a bit and through all my scars I noticed that Jay was staring at the huge J on my collarbone and Dick was staring at the bullet wound on by abdomen , I think I reminded him of Barbara.
I turned round to take the jacket, my back towards them, revealing more scars and bruising. Most of my back scars are from Ivy and Croc , but you can still see where the bullet went right through me. I feel their stares burn into me, I wanted to run back indoors and hide, I wanted my mum, dad , Alfred or anyone that knew not to ask questions.
I put the jacket on and zip it up, once again hiding the scars from the outside world.
I turn to my brothers, all of them acting as if they have seen nothing and failing miserably, there is a couple minutes of awkward silence before I finally grab my t-shirt and leave.
This was an awful idea , nothing ever goes right for me.
I just hope they don't ask questions later, I don't need to or want to give an explanation to anyone, not even them.

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