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It was the weekend and one of the hottest days in Gotham. I was laying in my room in a crop top and shorts, trying to think of what to do.
I was so bored , I've had nothing to do all week.
After what happened with Riddler last week I got taken off patrol for a while , I tried to protest but my father stood his ground (Bruce Wayne aka Batman) and it didn't help that my mother agreed with him (Selina Kyle aka Catwoman).
Well , at least I  finally got them to agree on something (even though it did not benefit me in anyway). I only got a few bruises and a couple of cut wounds , nothing I haven't dealt with before. I honestly didn't see the big deal.
But here I lay , bored out my fucking mind feeling sorry for myself .
My mum was out of town for a couple of days and my dad was at work , Alfred had gone food shopping and the only other people home were Damian and Dick, but I'm pretty sure they were doing something.

Yep , completely bored.

Then I hear a knock on my door, I cover myself in my blanket and ask who it is ,Dick answers , opens the door and walks in. Dick is a good brother and good hero, very different from Batman and the others. Dick has got a good sense of humour and is a goofy, lovable character, I mean what can you expect he was raised in the circus. He was also raised by the Batman and so was i , i knew better than to trust that bright smile of his. Although me and Dick were quite different, we both were trained harshly by my father and were both held up to his high, impossible standards. A fate the others were able to escape from , this is something me and Dick shared in common and it was always nice to have someone to relate to, but i could always see the guilt in his eyes, the guilt of not protecting me like he did the others , not protecting me from what he was subdued to also.
As the thought quickly left my mind and I was brought back into reality Dick asked me if I was alright.
" Yeah I'm fine, just really hot and really bored" I replied with a slight sarcastic tone
" Yeah I am too, but I was asking about your wounds" he said
" Yeah they're fine now, still got bruises but the cuts are healing"
"That's good. Do you think they're healed enough to go swimming ?"  he asked with a slight smile
"Swimming?" I questioned
"You know , where you go into a hole full of water when it's hot" he said jokingly
"I know what swimming is Dick, I was just surprised that you would suggest it"
"Well like you said it is hot , just thought it would be a good idea. Anyway Damian has agreed and Jay and Tim are here as well"
"Jay and Tim are here!? How did you manage that?"
"It's my own personal superpower" he laughed "Anyway you don't have to swim if you don't want to , just come down and hangout"
"Alright, be down in a minute" I said
" Okay see ya" he said
As he shut the the door and left I got out my bed and looked out the back garden , that fucker was right , Jay and Tim were here and Damian was actually outside as well.
I had good relationships with all my brothers both me and Jay were very close, especially when he was Robin, us two always got up into some kind of trouble but always looked out for each other; although after the whole "being killed by a lunatic clown and being brought back to life thing" happened , our relationship became very rocky but in time we grew and rebuild our relationship, we understood each other again.
Tim is like my  best friend as well as my brother , when he became Robin after Jay I  was very hesitant getting too close, but both are similarities and differences is what drew us closer together. He is the brain and I am the the brawn ( even though I am vastly intelligent myself).
My little brother Damian and I definitely did not have the best start. I attempted to be polite but as he always is he had to prove he was better and called me "weak". I tried to ignore him just like my mother taught me ( she is an expert at ignoring people that annoy her) but he took it too far and challenged me to fight to see who was more "worthy". I accepted of course and kicked his ass, after that we never spoke and if we did it was mostly rude insults to one another. The others gave up trying to bring us closer together , even Dick, but it was my mother who finally convinced me otherwise, convinced me to give it one last go. She said both me and Damian were too much like my father , stubborn, if we were ever going to have a relationship I would have to try a little harder.
So I did. And Damian tried as well. After a few bonding experiences nothing could separate us , he was my little brother and I was his big sister. We look out for each other and fight side by side. Although sometimes Damian is a little too overprotective, I still appreciate it.

I went over to my drawer and picked out a swim suit , at my dads I didn't keep many things so I was surprised I even found something. Unfortunately is was a bikini.
It's not that I was uncomfortable with my body it's just my scars that are the problem, in my line of duty scars are not rare at all but people only ever saw a few small scars that I had , no one had seen the full picture apart from my mum, dad, Alfred and Dr Leslie. My brothers had scars , small and huge scars ,they had no problem showing their scars it's just I had a problem of them knowing the full extent of what I've actually gone through and not what they have assumed , I have a problem of people knowing how many times I have been vulnerable or weak.
I put the bikini on and look in the mirror.

Claws marks on my back thanks to Croc.
A huge gash across my ribs and burn marks thanks to  Two Face.
Two bullets in my knees thanks to black mask.
A cut there.
A stab mark here.
Some made by Riddler from previous fights, Ivy , Harley and Bane etc .
The worst ones were from Joker.
There was a bullet going through my abdomen and a clear J carved on my collar bone and other scars I  do not to care to point out.
As I examined myself in the mirror I decided to put on a t-shirt and some leggings over a sports bra, I think I'd rather boil than go swimming now.
I take one last look in the mirror and head on downstairs.

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