Chapter Three

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He felt the poison before the prick of the needle. Flames danced in his veins, each burning and bursting as it made its way up his arm. The pain was maddening, the single drop of blood from the the tip of his finger was the only injury that he could see. His vision was darkening quickly, and he fought it, knowing what would happen if his eyes closed. He reached out helplessly, tears rolling down his face. It hurt, it hurt worse than anything he had ever felt before. His very essence felt like it was being ripped to shreds. He looked to his arms, every vein dark purple beneath his skin.

"I don't want this." He felt the heat rising, felt blood pouring from his nose and eyes. Choking on the metallic taste, he coughed, spitting black blood onto the boards beneath his feet. It stained his white pants, seeping in and burning his skin.

His heartbeat was too fast, too much blood pouring from his eyes and mouth. He barely managed to let out a few gargling words before the darkness crept in.

"Quackity, please help me."

He lurched, tipping forward and slamming hard onto the ground, shattering his hand beneath him. He didn't feel it, he felt nothing but empty air.


Dream knelt beside the dead heir. He placed two fingers on his neck, checking his pulse. He nodded solemnly to Wilbur, then shouted out to the nearest guards.

"He's overheating, somebody help!" Dream's face twisted into anguish, and Wilbur began to cry. A dozen people rushed in as the heir let out a tearful sob, and he was quickly ushered away from the gruesome scene. Dream kneeled beside Sapnap's body, tears rolling from his eyes.

"Help him, someone get Kristin! Please do something!" Dream grabbed the sleeve of a guard, desperation in his gaze.

"What happened?" A servant crouched down, checking his pulse. The man closed his eyes, a hand clamping down on his mouth.

"He's dead, alert the duke."


Dream was swept away into the crowd, nobody noticing as he kept his hand firmly clamped on something in his pocket.

Nobody noticed how the pink haired prince greeted him at Niki's bedroom door.

Nobody noticed the soft smile that George wore when they announced the death of his brother, naming him the new heir.


Breakfast was silent. Lunch was silent. The funeral was held at dusk in the city's only graveyard. The only one who didn't attend was Ranboo, who was catatonic. Techno had been doing everything he could until his father had literally dragged him away to attend the funeral. He hadn't bothered to change from the disheveled tunic he'd worn the night before.

Karl was in hysterics. Bad stared at the ground blankly. George was solemn, almost bored. The king and queen held one another's hands, pity written all over their faces. The only attendees were castle residents, offering condolences to the family.

When the site began to clear, Bad pulled Phil aside, speaking in hushed tones. Phil looked back to Dream, who met his gaze calmly.

"Dream, come here." The prince approached without hesitation. After a brief discussion, Phil rested his hand on the man's shoulder, a forced smile on his face.

"Do us proud son." And with that the king turned to his family, addressing them.

"We take our leave tonight. I want to see you all out of this castle in an hour. Karl, you are to join us on Bad's request, since you no longer have purpose here." He offered a hand, and Karl took it.

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