Chapter 88

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Nowadays, the Wu family has become more and more famous in Shiqiao Town, but in fact, there are not many industries. Compared with the major landlords who have shops throughout the town, the Wu family has only three industries: department stores, hot pot restaurants, and Tiandishantou, plus He Zhang A small carbon kiln cooperated with. 

    However, although there are only these few industries, they are almost all profiteering. The Wu family’s money is not beyond the estimation of outsiders. But Wu Qingyuan has always liked to take precautions. Therefore, before the Wu family officially entered the business market of Jiangyi County, he still There is one last industry to be developed, the daily necessities factory. 

    When preparing to cross, he prepared a lot of things in advance in order to prevent himself from crossing into the backward world, especially the information. He took a lot of effort. After learning about the world from Zhou Daniu, he even more. Added something. 

    The most valuable thing in his space is not gold and those modern rare objects, but the stacks of materials he printed out for the production of various industrial objects. It is unceremonious to say that these things are enough for him to build an advanced country. 

    But Wu Qingyuan doesn't have such a big thought. It is so easy to build a country. He still prefers to live a peaceful and comfortable life with people. He is really tired of fighting and killing him. 

    So he thought about it, he felt that he shouldn’t be too outrageous and just be a rich businessman for the time being. As for other things, leave it to his children and grandchildren. Besides, he has no background and no deep foundation. Too many conspicuous things. 

    And the daily necessities factory is his last thought. These days, from the people in Shiqiao Town who are pursuing Wu Ji’s soap, toilet water, mosquito coils and other "overseas goods", if the factory runs successfully, he will definitely have more in the future. Any industry in China is extremely profitable, because luxury goods can only be enjoyed by the rich, but these things are needed by every ordinary person. 

    Soap, toothpaste, toothbrush 

The production methods of toilet water, toilet water, etc. are not difficult. He also has relevant materials in his space. Although he can't produce something exactly like the modern one, it is also possible to make a simple version using the local method. 

    Once things are available, even if only half of the people buy them in terms of the number of people, this place in Shiqiao Town will be an incalculable amount. If you develop it outside, you can imagine what kind of huge profit! 

    In order to prevent things like the chef's job hopping this time, Wu Qingyuan gave the factory all to the servants he bought back. He bought so many servants for now. Eighteen loyal servants are enough for him. He ignored these people about the cook. 

    Wu Qingyuan had only discussed the idea of ​​the factory with Amo in the house. Wang Dafu and others didn't know it. Anyway, just follow his instructions. It's not a good thing to know too much when you are a kid. 

    In addition to the factory, the seedlings of the grain in the Kaichun fields were also planted. This time, not only was his family planting, but Mr. Li, who came to ask for cooperation at the beginning, sold some of the seedlings after consideration. The money cannot be made by himself. In the future, these will not be possible for his family. Sooner or later, they will be spread out. This member of Li is still very acquainted, and cooperation is not indispensable. 

    Mrs. Qian and others paid attention to his movement, but they didn't know what he was going to do. They felt a little restless and nervous in their hearts. They didn't dare to make any more movements for the time being, and they became vigilant. 

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