My Abominable Snowman

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Harry's POV

"Harry?" I heard Alex's voice come from her bedroom. "Holy shit. This freaking bedroom is bigger than my house. Wait. Where's the door? Oh right, on the other side of the fucking grand canyon." She mumbled, and I heard her make her way across her room, open the door, and walk to mine, knocking quietly.

 "Come on in." I said, and I couldn't help smiling.

 "That is the biggest fucking room I have ever seen in my life. Seriously, it's like--" Alex started to say, but was startled by a tree falling, her body becoming ridgid, then relaxing.

She was wearing a pair of black yoga shorts, thick winter socks, and a slightly oversized Converse sweatshirt that practically covered her shorts.

 "The house won't be bothered by the trees. It's made out of stone, it'll take a wrecking ball to break it. Unless a tree  is speared through a window. That might be a bit problematic." I joked.

 She made a face at me. "Don't make fun of me." She mumbled, walking over to the French doors that led to the balcony; standing a bit back from them, but sitll looking out.

I stood up and walked towards her silently. "Scared?" I whispered in her ear.

 She tried to fight of a shiver, but it won out in the end, and her spine tickled, making her shake her shoulders slightly. "No. I think they're beautiful actually. As long as I'm inside."

 I nodded, understanding.

We were quiet for a few minutes, just watching the storm, until I broke the silence by gasping.

 Alex spun around with her eyebrows raised in question. Then when she realized what was wrong, her eyebrows raised in understanding, and her eyes widened in... probably fear.

  "You haven't fed, have you?" She asked as I wiped my lip.

My fangs were out, and I had punctured my lower lip quite deeply.

 I shook my head, looking at the ground.

 "You idiot." She mumbled.

"I'll go and see if we have anything." I mumbled,  starting to walk away.

Alex stopped me by grabbing my hand. "Please don't go outside. And don't drink out of a bloodbag. That's nasty. I'm right here, use me." She said.

 I shook my head. "No. If I have to, I'll lock myself in the basement. I won't drink you, Alex."

 She rolled her eyes. "Don't turn this into a cliche vampire move moment, Harold."

I made an indignant face. "You're the one who started."

"Did not!" She shot back.

 "Yes, you did! In the vampire movies, the girls always ask their vampire boyfriends to feed off them." I argued.

"Yeah, because we want to help you! You're being the stubborn dicks who won't accept someone's trying to help them!"

 "That's what you don't get!  We could kill you so easily!" I explained.

 "It's not like I'm asking you to have sex with me like Bella. That was just stupid. I mean, hello? Protection anyone?"

 I rolled my eyes. "And Edward's always like. 'I could lose control, I just can't lose control with you.'  And then the fucking bed breaks, and she's covered in bruises. Just refrain." I emphasized.

 Alex nodded her head. "Agreed. But, it shows you just how powerful we women are. She got what she wanted in the end. She got to have sex with him, and he changed her. She just got the changing in a roundabout way."

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