The Pursuit of Wealth or the Pursuit of Knowledge?

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"Wealth is a tool of freedom, but the pursuit of wealth is the way to slavery"

- Frank Herbert

College courses related to Computer Science and Information Technology are quite popular amongst the fresh high school graduates in the field of education here in the Philippines. May it be for reasons known personally only to them, it is most likely due to the promise of stable pay from the get-go provided to fresh college graduates. I myself was caught by the appeal of a high-paying job provided by the path I took when I applied to be a student in the pursuit of learning Information Technology. But seeing as this field amongst college courses is viewed as one of the more popular ones within the freshmen college students, as well as those who are looking to start their journey into tertiary education, I usually find myself asking as to what I'm doing this for. I even ask what others who went into this course are doing this for. I'd tell myself that I did this simply because I was interested in computers, but I feel like that's a lie, and more so for the fact that I got lured in by what appealed me to even consider this course.

What indeed made me choose this path? Is it for the sake of my curious interest, or wealth?

According to a research titled "Factors Affecting Career Choices of College Students Enrolled in Agriculture", done in the University of Tennessee (USA), it is said that multiple factors come into play regarding the student's choice for their college course such as, but not limited to: economic stability, familiarity, interest in the field, and influence among peers and associates.

Sure, these might be acceptable reasons to explain why this course in college is quite popular, but if we are to refer to stereotypes aimed towards the Filipino people, we could most likely assume that indeed, most of the students, I myself included, enrolled in this course went into it simply for the fact that they are on the pursuit of wealth. Though I would not dare generalize the entire population, but I'm not saying that it's not a probable reason.

Now there's no going back. I've sealed the deal.

And down the line, I know I'd find myself asking - "is this worth it?".

Will I end up being happy in the future of my dream of financial stability?

Who knows? All I can say to those who've managed to read this far is to consider all of your choices when choosing to walk down a path, and see if indeed, the choice you're about to make is worth it.

Mendoza, Jaosch Nathan C.

of CEU Makati

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