Not A Chapter (again)

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Omg im panicking. I play the clarinet and tomorrow I have like an "exam" dunno how to call it in english.

There are like 3 to 4 people and the you need to play 3 songs? Idk
And also the scales. Like musik thingy

Anyways im so fricking nervous right now.
Like what if i don't find the right room or I arrive to late.

An I need to pass it because i can only stoo going to musiksvhool when I passe this.

I can everything but im nevous and just ughhh

And my parents can't come with me because you need to go in ther ALONE

Social anxiety makes it even worseeee

Can someone please tell me things like you can do it or whatever? You don't have to of course

Anyways thats also the reason of me not postun anything. I was busy practicing for this exam. Sorry:-)

Anyways bye have a good day or night.

sad denki (completed, Well Kind Of)Where stories live. Discover now