Chapter 1: The Beginning

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A bright light fills their vision and suddenly they're all gone from what they were previously doing. A series of groans can be heard as everyone's getting up.

"Where are we?" A man with green hair and a scar across his left eye asks.

"It seems like we're in some kind of void perhaps?" A woman with dark hair responds.

"But why are we here in the first place..?" A man with his hair tied back and a slingshot on his back asks.

"We can figure that out later. Where is Luffy?" A man with blonde hair wearing a suit asks.

"If we're all here I'd assume he is too. But then again he wasn't on deck with us when this happened." A woman with red hair says folding her arms.

"Luffy is okay right? Oh god what if he needs a doctor!? I need to be there!!" A small reindeer can be seen panicking while running in circles.

"Chopper-bro! Luffy will be fine. He's our SUPERRR captain after all!" A cyborg? can be seen doing a weird pose while smiling. (A/N: Franky's weird but we love him anyways)

"Yohohoho! Franky-san is quite right! Luffy will be alright! Although I do wonder where he is." A skeleton with an afro can be seen with a thoughtful expression on his face. Well, that's what they thought would be on his face if he had one.

The small group goes quiet as they hear a series of footsteps growing closer to them.

"Like I said Thatch, there's nothing here! We're just wondering around for nothing!" A man with blonde hair that's suspiciously in a pineapple haircut says. He rubs his temples while sighing.

"But Marco, there could be something really cool!" A man with a pompadour, presumably Thatch, almost whines.

"Gurarara! He's quite right Marco! We should be seeing if there's some sort of clue as to why we're here and why myself and Thatch are alive again." A giant man with a white mustache says while smiling.

Marco looks around while sighing again. He then spots the small group of people and immediately recognizes them

"The Strawhats! Why are they here? And if they're here where's Strawhat yoi?" He points out the small group to everyone else and they yell out to them.

"What in the world?! Why are the Whitebeard Pirates here?!" The man with the slingshot yells out. The rest of the group tense and turn around to look at said pirates.

"Relax brats, we aren't here to fight." Whitebeard says. The group, now known as the Strawhat Pirates, all visibly relax and give small smiles and waves to the man.

"Before we get started, what are your names again?" Marco asks looking at them. He remembers their names and faces but needs to put two and two together.

The man with the scar looks at him narrowing his eye. "Roronoa Zoro, the Strawhats First Mate and swordsman." He states. He glances around before relaxing his posture just a bit.

The woman with dark hair gives a soft smile. "Nico Robin, the Strawhats archeologist. Pleased to meet you Whitebeard-san."

The man with the slingshot is shaking in place but starts responding. "I-I-I am C-Captain-" he gets stopped by a glare from Zoro and a smack on the head by the redhead. He deflates a little and restarts. "I-I am Usopp, the Strawhats sniper!"

The redhead glares slightly at him once more before turning to the other pirates. "I'm Nami, the Strawhats navigator!" She says with a small smile.

The cyborg then grins and picks up the reindeer who was hiding behind his legs. "This is Chopper, the Strawhats doctor!" Confused murmuring can be heard as they heard the reindeer start yelling. "Ahh! Let me down!!" He yells. The cyborg laughs but complies then turns to the group.

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