Memory Loss- Part 1💔

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Time period: season 4

No, no, no, this can't be happening. Armin thought to himself as he paced back and forth on the air ship. First, Sasha was killed. And now? You had gone missing. They had sent Levi out to find you, not wanting to risk losing anymore people.
Armin hated that he was ordered to stay aboard. You were his responsibility! His...everything. He could only silently hope that Levi would get to you in time, that you would return to him unharmed.
"I've got her," Levi's voice sounded, as he came through the open door of the airship, holding you as you laid limp in his arms.
Armin's eyes widened in panic as he rushed over to Levi. "Is she...?"
"She's alive, just unconscious. She hit her head pretty bad, not sure how bad though." Levi told him.
Armin took you from Levi's hold, total panic threatening to take hold. He tried to control his breathing as he laid you on a blanket Hange laid out, using his own legs as a pillow to support your head.
It was usually you to calm him down, to make sure he didn't freak out when something bad happened, what was he supposed to do without you?
"We'll make sure she gets looked at when we get back. She'll be alright, Armin." Hange said.
Armin nodded, not for a second taking his eyes off of you.
The ride was agonizingly long, as every second passed he grew more worried, tears threatening to spill from his eyes as you didn't wake at any point.
She's breathing, she's still breathing that's what matters. Armin tried to assure himself, checking every few minutes to make sure you were still alive.
At their base back in the walls, you were immediately taken away to revive medical attention, as much as possible at least.
Armin paced outside of the room you were in, waiting for the doctor to finish.
She's gonna be okay, it'll be okay. She's gonna be just fine. She's strong, she can make it through this. She has to.
"Mr. Arlert." The doctor said, as he stepped out of your room and gently closed the door behind him.
"How is she?" Armin asked, nervously fiddling with the ring on his finger.
"Thankfully, her skull isn't cracked anywhere. And other than her head she's fine. She should wake up soon. But-"
"But?" Armin asked, eyes widening.
The doctor sighed. "There's no way of knowing what kind of internal damage she received. Best case scenario, she'll have a nasty concussion."
Armin could feel his throat closing. "A-and, worst case scenario?"
"She could have permanent damage to her brain. Loss of certain functions, like speaking abilities, possibly even memory loss. There is still so much we don't know about the human mind." The doctor paused. "I'm sorry, son. But all we can do is hope for the best. And once she wakes, lots of rest, and make sure she eats properly. With a head injury she may get nauseous, and be sensitive to bright light."
Armin nodded. "Thank you, doctor."
After the doctor left, Armin didn't hesitate to go into your room, considering it was his too.
You laid on the bed, it appeared that you were just sleeping peacefully, besides the slightly pained look on your face.
Armin released a heavy sigh, and sat down next to you. Carefully, he brushed your hair away from your face, still able to admire your beauty despite how worried he was.
He was hoping for the best, begging silently that those worst case scenarios the doctor talked about wouldn't come to be real.
He didn't care if you were left disabled, he knew it would be hard for you but he would be there to support you and love you no matter what.
But what if you forgot him? Your own husband? The thought was too painful to bear. So Armin just focused on the steady rise and fall of your chest.
It was late into the night when you finally woke up, Armin had drifted off to sleep from exhaustion.
Your (e/c) eyes fluttered open, scanning the area around you, you winced as pain shot through your head.
After the wave of pain filled into a steady ache, you looked to see the blonde man beside you. His arm thrown across your stomach.
Gently, you placed your hand on his arm, confusion running through you and you felt fear fill your lungs.
The contact caused the man to stir, his eyes opened to reveal brilliant blue irises, and they filled with relief when they landed on your own.
"You're awake," he said with a small smile. "How are you feeling?"
You blinked, not really knowing where to start you said: "Who are you?"

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