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Your pov:

The party had started I was hanging out with some of the other seniors "LOOK WHO TURNED OUT TO BE IN TOWN LENNYS FAVOURITE BAND" I looked araund and noticed lenny wasn't here as well as becky I went to beckys room and saw lenny laying down with becky I could see lenny was upset "hey lenny there's a problem go and I will look after becky" lenny groaned he walked past me "there's actually no problems and you need a break go and party!" I winked at him and smiled "thanks!" I turned to becky "hey becky so you want a bedtime story?" "yes auntie y/n" I surfed the many bed time books they had and picket one "ok lets go with cinderella....

After I was finished I noticed the mini key change I have her on her table I smiled and went down

Turns out lenny had a fight with cavanaugh" he let you win didn't he " he turned araund" "yea" I laughed and went away I turned araund to see Greg walking in I waved at him he was once again staring and didn't see the cable he tripped on and the music stopped "soo tenderly ohhhh with a burning loooove that is shaped like a bee-" Charlotte keeps singing everybody cheered at her voice "Charlotte where did you learn to sing like that!"
Said Kurt "no place I just sing a little in the shower" said Charlotte shyly "maybe you should stick to the shower cause I got the power-" started bumpty "shut up bumpty before I turn you mowhawk into a chin strap" all of the tree turned araund

"whhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaat!!!" I laughed and heard whooping I turned araund and saw a bunch of collage kids coming "who are these?" "collage frat guys" "gosh I hate white people" I snickered and turned to the crowd it kinda looks like a war anyway

"what's wrong what is the matter" said roxene her accent showing "I tell you what is ze matter" mocked one of the leader "these old men trashed our frat house" I could see Greg standing next to me "watch this, this'll be fun!" I told Greg

"Hey lenny feder left this town made big bucks probobly more than you brainiacs put together ever will!"  he looked back at lenny "but he came back cause this beautiful town is his home"

"well that was just a moving statement but we didn't come here to hear that we can here to kick some old!Smelly!ASS!"

"we may be old" said my dad "we may be smelly" said Kurt "we may have a penis" everybody pointed at Higgins girlfriend

"but the only ass that is getting kicked is your ungreatful d-bags" said eric

"NOW LET'S GET BUSY" yelled Kurt everybody went raging it was essentially a war a girl came at me i hit her in the face knocking her out someone yanked my hair and i saw a girl with a huge amaunt of makeup I yanked my hair out of her grip and bit her hand she screamed "not me bitch" I said and kicked her with my heel i turned and saw a girl coming towards my dad I ran and hit the girl in the chest she tried to kick me and i cached her foot "GOO Y/N!! WOOO KICK HER YEAHH THAT'S MY DAUGHTER GO Y/N!" I smiled at my dad cheering for me i catched her foot and turned it she ended up on her face in the grass

I turned to keithie next and saw him kicking someone off buffy, the bully swore to defend him for the rest of his life I smiled then I turned to Greg "hey boomer what's up" I turned to see Greg kick him between the legs "this!" then a collage girl "you're a traitor boomer!" and kicked him bellow the belt then Nancy came "his name is not boomer it's Gary!" I ran up to her and kicked her with my heel bettwen her legs if you know what I mean "he's name is not Gary it's Greg!" I turned to Greg who was still doubling over "oh Greg" I tucked his hair away and kissed him I put my hands araund his neck as he stood up and put his araund my waist then I heard music

"dancing on a ceiling and dancing on the floor" then I turned and saw lenny getting kicked by one of the leaders "ill be back" I ran towards the frat boy "oh hey there hottie" said the guy "oh hell no!" I punched the guy in the face "you bitch" I smiled "try me flippy boy" he did a round house kick I ducked "too slow man" he tried to kick me i caught his foot and head butted him he got knocked out "pussy!"

Greg feder x reader (grown ups 2)Where stories live. Discover now