Aunt Gina's

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A/N- Hey guys! I'm sorry if this story is confusing. It all gets explained, I promise. If you guys don't keep up with Gravity Falls, this story is not for you. Just a forewarning. And Gina is an original character made by some of my Tumblr peeps. (I think maybe hereissomething created her? I can't remember, correct me) Search her (Gina McGucket) on Tumblr or Google to get an idea! :)

I gather up all of my things when I can see Gina's house from the window. That girl... Mabel, is being scolded by the boy. He's either a buzzkill or doing us all a favor (I think she just ate a tube of glitter glue?).

Now, about Aunt Gina. Just a forewarning: she has a very strange personality. She lives alone. I'm honestly not sure if she ever married, but if she did it seems to be completely erased from history. My parents don't even know if she ever married. Bottom line: she's a mix between a nuthouse patient and one of those super-awesome grandmas.

I have never known her last name, nor has anyone else. She's super secretive about it, like it's a horrible killer name or something. I don't know why.

(Update: Yes, Mabel did eat a tube of glitter glue. She wanted to know if sparkles taste sparkly... if that makes any sense at all. Boy looks like he has given up on trying to keep her in order.)

The bus jerks to a stop and I slam into the seat in front of me. I hear since thumps come from the back, then a girl's laughter. Once I stand up, I see that Dipper has fallen out of his seat, and Mabel is laughing at him. I stifle a giggle myself as I slide into the aisle in the bus center, tugging my bag out with me. I begin to make it to the exit, but stop to wave Mabel goodbye. She waves back, accidentally hits her brother in the face when she does so, and he looks like he's about to blow his top.

I laugh and hop down the stairs. I step off the bus and take a deep breath as the doors swoosh closed behind me. Gravity Falls, I'm back!


I knock on Aunt Gina's door, bracing myself for yet another wacko summer at her house. I heard a click, and then the door opened to reveal my Aunt.

She's the same as always. Dark gray hair that used to be jet black. A leather jacket, and some jeans. Same old Gina.

"Elizabeth! Right on time! I was getting your room ready." She motions for me to enter, and I do.

"Go on up and unpack. I'll be down here reading my newspaper if you need me." She says, heading toward today's horribly written paper on the table. Toby Determined needs to take a writing class. And a few lies to make this place sound interesting wouldn't hurt.

I go up the stairs, jumping over the few nails sticking up and creaky boards. I finally reach my room, which I think is the best thing about this town.

It seems to be an old office. The walls are coated in blueprints for what seems to be some project and pages of nothing but binary code. Gina either doesn't know or refuses to tell me what it is, but whatever it is, it's cool as heck.

But all of the sheets with numbers and blueprints don't top the photograph. It seems old, and is really strange. Three men are pictured in it, and one of their faces is scratched out. He has on a black shirt, but that's all I can tell. The other two men are not familiar to me at all. One is a man with pale-caramel colored hair and a brown jacket. He is shorter than the other man, who has on a white shirt and dark brown hair.

I've always wondered who they are, but Gina claims to not remember, if she ever even knew. I just wonder... if this is Gina's house... did anyone else (like those men) ever live here?

She claims to have no idea, even when I show her things I find up here that prove she should. I've found countless papers with her name on them. Some have hearts around it. I am determined that she will slip up one of these days and say what she really knows, but no luck yet.

I quickly unpack and rush downstairs to go have my daily annoy Stan Pines until he threatens to call the cops game, but I have to tell Gina first.

"Aunt Ginnnaaaa!" I yell, looking around for her. Where is she?

I see her paper, open and flopped out on the coffee table. Okay, now I'm a bit freaked.

"AUNT GINA?!??!" I yell again. Gina isn't one to play hide and seek. This is really weird.

"Elizabeth?" I hear a call from the basement. Gina! "Oh, sweetie, I'm down here!"

I sigh with relief and run down the basement steps. I see Gina rustling through some old papers.

"Aunt Gina? What's all that?" I ask, and she turns around, holding them behind her back.

"Oh... just some old... newspaper articles. I knew there was one about that Gleeful boy from last year, and had to find it. He's a menace, that boy." She says, obviously hiding something, but I shrug it off. Gina's secrets aren't anything more than if Sheriff Blubs really does have a thing for Deputy Derland.

"Tell me about it. Gideon is gonna get it one day, I know it. What did he do?" I ask.

"Same dumb junk he always does. I'm pretty sure he's summoning creatures from different dimensions this time, but he's "too precious" to ever do anything!" She exclaims.

News flash: Gideon Gleeful is a butt! *Dramatic Gasp!*

"Well, Gina, I'm gonna go visit my old pal Stan! I'll be back before dark." I say, and started to turn and walk up the stairs.

"You be careful around Stan. I wouldn't fool around with him, if I were you.  Not after he-" She stops abruptly, like she was about to let something slip.

"Not after he what, Aunt Gina?" I ask.

"He- I- Just be careful, Lizzie. I've had enough trouble with that man. I don't need any more." And with that she rushes up the stairs, past me.

I don't know what her deal is. Stan's just the normal business con man. Nothing more, right?

I see a slip of torn paper flutter down to the floor that must have slipped from Gina's paper stack. It's just some scribbled handwriting that looks like it was torn from a letter.

It reads:
See you soon.
              Love,  Fiddleford

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