alter ego (1/3)

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WARNING: ayup everyone! Just wanted to say this chapter includes dissociation, cursing, and descriptions of loud noises. Be warned!


Haunter was always known as the mere clown of the group, the one everyone jokingly made fun of. The one that provided chaos when it wasn't needed. He knew this, it was his role after all. For some strange reason they couldn't put their finger on, his office seemed empty. Completely silent. You could probably hear a pin drop to the floor of you tried. Yet, this couldn't be further from the truth.

As almost always, in the next room over Spirit was talking about something related to setting a building on fire. Haunter couldn't seem to care. He physically got up out of his office chair to go sit on the orange bean bag in the corner of his office. Gently he sat down and grabbed the orange bird plush next to it, staring at it. Suddenly he felt like he was staring into a never ending oblivion as his senses all started to fail him. The frequencies of the room started to shake. Is.. Is reality breaking?.. Is this even real? Am... I real? ..... Im not real am I...

He looked up to take his eyes off of the plush to gain a sense of reality again, he noticed he was dizzy and relaxed his mind just closing his eyes. It was then that he heard a familiar voice ringing in his head, like his own but distorted and glitchy. He jumped, surprised. "What.. The fuck?" He says in a worried tone. He quickly ran out of his office, just needing to find somewhere to get his mind off of it. He dashed into the game room where everyone else was.

Annnd- standing in the doorway was a person that looked much like himself but.. Had their face covered by error blue screens and many tabs you would see on a computer. They also had a blue and red aura type thing on both sides of them. "No- nonono I thought I escaped it" he whispered to himself, only loud enough for him to hear. Holo turned her gaze over to the doorway, where Haunter stood terrified. "Are you... Okay?" They said in a worried tone. Haunter just looked at her and nodded, walking in only to just sit in the corner, next to Holo.

"Well okay, i'll take your word for it."
".....please do"

Yet he could still feel the gazes staring at him on his back..

(This was written by Lanie/Lilabelle)

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