Hey Lover

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Alrighty, I thought I'd try my hand at this poetry thing again ;-)  This piece is meant solely for mature audiences.  A cookie for your thoughts on it :-D

"Hey Lover"

Hey lover, we don't have long.

I'll meet you at the usual spot,

Room 514 belongs to us every Monday.

When you arrive, I'll want you.

I'll need you.

I'll crave you.

Once you secure that latch,

I'll throw myself into your embrace,

And whisper for you to ravish me.

Hey lover, today we don't have long.

Not much time for sweet talk,

Not much time for gazing into each other's eyes.

Just release me from these clothes,

And I'll delightedly free you from your own,

Before our heating bodies collapse onto cool sheets.

Oh, please slide atop me,

Make the bed squeak as you weigh me down,

Your mouth discovers mine, our tongues tangling.

Hey lover, I detest that we don't have long.

Ignite every inch of skin as fast as you can,

Propel me from the precipice as fast as you can.

Remind me that at least on Mondays,

I am yours and that you are all mine.

We belong only to each other inside Room 514.

Thrust within me,

Skilled hands should demand I call out your name.

I'll clutch your dewy skin as you fill me,

Like only you're capable of.

Breathing labored,

Chest heaving,

Moaning as your lips and hands,

Appear to be everywhere at once.

Back arching,

Your name is my mantra.

Hey lover, we don't have long.

Come to me.

Make me come.

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