ch 1 The Barking Music

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My story dont start were I am brutaly murdered. It starts during my college years. I was atending Wayne state in Nebraska. If you know about Wayne State, you know it is the party collage.

In fact thats all I really did was party day and night all. I was going for a major in audio engineer. So all my classes were hands in, so easy with a hangover. I would wake up go to class then party all night. Luckly 4 years later I passed all my classes and graduated with a 3.4 gpa.

Three years after schooling I bult up my own studio, 25 years old and was making atlease $4000 a week I was set, but one day an alternative artist came in and affected my life so direct, it took me down a spiral were at the bottom I thought I would find answers but only found a horrible death.

He called him self "Toe May Doe", I could not tell you why ,but be did. The man was tall slender and scruffy. He had a bald head with a black and gray santa beard. He had scars on his face that looked like some one took a chain saw to his face. I dont mean to be mean but he was fucking ugly.

His lyrics were quite strange he talked about how there was a devilish dig looking for souls, going down a bloody path to get what he wants. I made the huge mistake asking them what he ment by them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2013 ⏰

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