Summer loving

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Nialls p.o.v.

I wonder what the lads have been up to recently. We haven't talked much lately, they all have boyfriends or girlfriends and no one has time for ugly ol' Niall. I glance at my iPhone it's 11:23 they must be up I log on to facebook and start a group chat. I type fast for a lad my age.

"What are ya cunts up to today?"
Of course Liam is the first to see it, he's always on his phone.

"Me and Austin are going back to school shopping with our mums want to join?" I have already finished my shopping weeks ago. Im so excited for senior year with the lads maybe I'll find someone for my own. I should go out no one is going to fall in love with me if no one can see me right?

"Sure I'll meet you there around 1?"
I log out and decide to shower, when I get out I sit on my bed and pull out my phone. I have 3 missed calls for Lou I wonder what he wants I guess I should call him back.

Before I dial the number I slip on my dark grey boxer briefs. When I call him call he sounds cheery which is weird, Lou tends to be crappy anytime before 2 p.m. I guess he needs my help getting dressed up for his big date with Harry. Glad I showered so early.

I quickly grabbed a pair of tan pants and a red polo shirt and ran downstairs to give mum a kiss on the cheek. Then I slid my feet into white Supra's and hurried on my way. Since Lou didn't live too far and it was a nice enough day out I decided to walk, my phone buzzed in my pocket.

It was Liam "Can't meet at the mail till 1:45 if that's alright" what a cunt always changing plans all the time. I go to type "okay" when I accidentally bump into a tall man.

I stand there frozen my eyes on his feet, when I ask if he's ok he simply says yes. His voice ringing in my ear it sounded adorable. I look up and gaze at his chocolate brown puppy dog eyes, I think he noticed me staring. shit! I need to stop being so awkward. I watch as he tries to dab coffee off of his white shirt. The liquid making his shirt stick to him showing off his abs. Wow this boy is fit I must look like an idiot. I ask if he wants help and he hands me a napkin. I start rubbing it on his pants by his crotch.

He laughs, in return I smile up at him. I hate my smile my teeth are horrid. I apologize and he says not to worry about it so I hurry on my way to Lou's.

When I get there Lou is surrounded by mountains of clothes. I can tell he's been freaking out, I stand and watch him for a bit before laughing. This caused him to jump like a scared cat. He attacks me in a hug, so I borrow my head in the crease of his neck like I always do. He smells particularly nice today.

Lou was my first friend when I moved here from Ireland, some 3rd graders had cornered me on the playground. They we're going to punch me and he came and saved me. he's been my best friend ever since. After a few minutes we leave the hug "so as you can see I need a bit of help" Lou says with a fake smile spread across his face.

After what seemed like hours but was only about 45 minutes, we settled on black skinny jeans a tank and a beanie. The tank was a great idea because it showed off Louis perfectly sculpted muscles, which would make Harry go crazy.

Oh no it's already 12:56 I hug Lou one last time and wish him luck on his date. Once I get to the mall I notice I'm a bit early so I go and shop around Jack Willis.

I really don't need anymore clothes, I had enough clothes to make a new outfit everyday for at least 4 months. I pick out a new dark green beanie and a purple jumper. I pay the cute register boy and exit to see Liam and Austin snogging. I smile they were cute together I walk up to them and they stop "NIALLER!!!" Austin screamed and hugged me so tight I couldn't breathe.

Austin was a rather cute boy, he was a year behind me and the lads. He has his hair in a cute little quiff. What I loved the most about him is his eyes. One minute they look like bright ocean the next they are hazel and orange. He and Liam were the cutest together so cute it made me sick.

"Where's your mums?" I ask, Liam explained they managed to just get money from them so they don't have to go. We went around for a while and I decided I should let them have alone time, so I told them I was hungry which wasn't far from the truth.

I was always hungry so I made my way to this cute Irish pub not to far. I ordered some chips and a burger and sat at the bar I must look pathetic sitting by myself why am I such a loser. I should leave, before I can get up a man sits next to me he looks familiar but I can't place my finger on it so I decide to stay.

Just Haven't Met You Yet by Michael Bublé playing softly, I hear the man start to hum. I start to stare at this beautiful man and I think he noticed. Damn he's gorgeous. He turned to face me and said "great song, sorry I like him he's a really great artist" my heart melts, how can such a gorgeous man be talking to me about my favorite artist ever.

"I love him I've seen him in concert a few times" God I'm such a nerd I'm fucking up what do I do
"M'name's Niall?" And hold my hand out to shake. He grips my hand and starts to shake it, wow he's strong.
"Is that an Irish accent? And I'm Tom by the way" I feel myself blush God im so stupid "yes I lived there until I was 8 and you look oddly familiar do I know you from somewhere?" I look over and he just laughs "maybe if I hadn't changed my shirt you would of recognized me from earlier" I blush from embarrassment "sorry about that" Why am I blushing so much, alright I have to act cool "do you have any plans later?" Wow I sound desperate shit Niall fix this "sorry I'm being to forward you don't have to answer" he smirks and tells me to meet me at his place he'll make us dinner. I'm freaking out what do I do

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