Chapter 7

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E pov:

Enjolras was startled to see Cosette in his school. She was standing in the main hall , her school bag slung over her shoulder. He jogged over to her pushing his unruly hair out of his eyes before he asked,"What are you doing here?"

"Well Felix was being a homophobic ass at school so he had it coming. Anyway, it turns out you can get suspended for breaking someone's nose. And dignity, might I add. I explained this all to Dad and then I sort of had to explain how bad it was for you and why you really had to leave. He wouldn't have me going to a school where such things happened and I was already suspended so he let me move here. " Cosette replied while beaming, her arm looped through Mr Valjean's arm.

It was obvious that Mr Valjean was Cosette's adopted father. His work-tanned skin and dark greying hair, along with his huge imposing figure was the complete opposite to Cosette. He was looking around the students as if trying to scan for any threats to his daughter. Each of them was being glared at like they were murder suspect. His dark bushy eyebrows drawn together and lips pursed. He said a gruff hello to Enjolras, his frown lessening slightly. 

Enjolras quickly left Cosette to convince her father that she was safe and that he could leave. Instead Enjolras went straight to his literature lesson. He found himself grinning despite his tiredness. He sat next to Grantaire in this lesson.

As soon as he entered his eyes were drawn to him. He sat nonchalantly at the back. A beanie pulled over his dark curls to keep them contained. Shit. He was beautiful. Unconventionally so, but beautiful nonetheless. Something about him caused Enjolras to gravitate towards him. Maybe it was his looks or that Grantaire wasn't afraid to speak his mind. His unabashed manner both intrigued and infuriated Enjolras.

"Well you look sleep deprived" Grantaire said as a greeting as Enjolras took his seat beside him.

"I'm not." He argued with a small smile, although he felt his lids drooping even as he spoke.

"You are an awful liar. Here, have my coffee." Grantaire sighed before passing a steaming reusable cup to him. Enjolras found himself staring at it in confusion. "Come on, its not poisoned. I promise." Grantaire said with a wink.

"I can't."

"Apollo, it's a gift. Think nothing of it."

It was fair to say that Enjolras thought about it deeply. What does it mean? Friends give friends their coffee right? It was nothing but a small gesture. It meant nothing to Grantaire, right? He just noticed that Enjolras was tired. He was roused from this internal argument when the teacher asked him a question.

Enjolras tried to stutter his way to an answer. Only too aware of Ferre's worried looks.

"He's not really with us today, sir. Bad night rest." Grantaire spoke up, saving him.

"Very well. I'm glad to see you at least are paying more attention in lessons, Grantaire."

"Always, sir." The teacher gave him an annoyed look but turned his back to 

Grantaire nudged the coffee closer to him. His stare unwavering and imploring until Enjolras conceded and took a long sip from the coffee. It was strong but the bitterness was balanced out with sugar.

"Continue drinking." Grantaire urged him on softly. "You're worse than me when I have a hangover. Talk about unresponsive."

"I don't need sleep." It was true that Enjolras never slept well or for long periods. Usually he spent half the night doing work. But with the stress of setting out homeless and the uncomfortable seating at the Musain. He felt significantly more drained. His claim futile as a yawn closely followed it. 

"Want to talk about why you didn't get any?" 

Enjolras looked down. He didn't want anyone to know that he had been kicked out by his parents. With Courf and Ferre being the exception. And it's not like he could tell them that he lied about finding a place. The last thing he wanted was their pity. 

The last thing he wanted was anyone's pity. 

"It's fine you don't need to tell me."

He felt relief and something else when he looked at Grantaire's smiling face and saw understanding.  In one swift and treacherously overpowering wave of emotion Enjolras realised that he was not falling for Grantaire, for he had already fallen long ago. Maybe it happened when he saw the passion in his artwork or the way he stood beside him at the bar. In truth the deal was closed when he took Enjolras's hand in his and offered him support.

The rest of the day went roughly the same, although the coffee really helped to revive him. However his sudden realisation led to him lowering his gaze away from Grantaire, coming close to outright ignoring him.

 Ferre and Courf checked on him after each lesson and he assured them that he was perfectly fine and that the only reason he couldn't sleep was because he had to finish an essay. 

Jehan handed him a juice lolly at lunch. 

Bahorel gave him notes from law, which he had completely blanked out of during, spending it instead thinking of Grantaire. His ashen curls and creeping smile. 

Cosette sat down with the gang at lunch, her and Marius easily adjusting to the new school. Enjolras had to admit her presence made him forget the fact that he had to return to a coffee shop instead of a comfortable home. He was so knackered that he would of fallen asleep again at the lunch table if it wasn't for the loud chaos that surrounded him and Cosette slapping his head when his eyelids drooped. It was fair to say he downed an unhealthy amount of coffee to make it to the end of the day, before leaving to the Musain. 

Falling - A modern Enjoltaire AUWhere stories live. Discover now