When the Day Came

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At first, I thought I was dreaming.

But what was really happening was the opposite of dreams.

Curious people looking out windows and doors to check on the ruckus outside.

Dreading this ominous moment; loathing every second of silence.

Eager people exiting stores and homes to take a look at the sky.

Fearful looks being exchanged in a growing river of intimidated people.

Greedy sulfur taking over the dark skies threw the city in a fit of turmoil.

Hell was pouring out of the Earth through a once dormant mountain.

Inching its way down the volcano quietly - a quietude that rivaled the city's newfound loquacity - was lava.

Jumping, screaming, crying - the people of Pompeii fled.

Kicking, shouting, searching -the children of Pompeii went wild.

Living, breathing, but doomed citizens roaming around the city.

Many dashed home, yelling, "The end is here," and left Pompeii, their former home.

No one ever believed them, though.

Ordeals like this were suffered often, but even the earthquake seemed quite distant.

Pompeii shivered with fear that night, fearing a silent death during slumber.

Quivering, quavering, quaking were the people of Pompeii the next morning.

Rumbling, filling the sky with sulfur and quickly seizing control of the city with ash was mighty Mt. Vesuvius.

Silence filled the air once more that day.

Tension builds up as we notice the volcano puffing smoke and spewing lava.

Utter chaos was not close to describing the panic and horror that had entered the city's heart.

Volcanic contents were being sprayed throughout the city as parents desperately hid their terrified children.

With this disorder, no one could concentrate on living when all their thoughts drifted off to death.

eXperiences like being buried in ash weren't lived through everyday.

Young and old yearned to die a rapid death with their loved ones.

Zenith lay high above the forgotten city, Pompeii, buried beneath the ash.

When the Day Came (poem)Where stories live. Discover now