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real life !

A few days after chaperoning George's date, Evelyn woke up and came to the sad conclusion that she could no longer remember what Wilburs laugh sounded like, which was sad considering he had a very nice one. She was very much aware of how strange of a conclusion it was, however she couldn't quite bring herself to care. Despite only meeting him the one time, she couldn't help but want to be his friend. 

Evelyn liked to think she was good at deciding if she liked someone based on their first time speaking, and she was absolutely sure she liked him. Not even in a romantic way like George ( and Declan ) kept suggesting. She simply enjoyed his company and it wasn't her fault she wasn't blind and could obviously see how gorgeous he is. If anything, George was the one in denial. He liked to go on and on and on about pretty privilege, and if anyone had it it was Wilbur.

Now, Evelyn didn't believe in fate or destiny or anything like that. But when the tall boy that had been on her mind for the past few days walked into the small music shop she worked in, she nearly believed it was meant to happen.

Sals was a shop her dad had been taking her to since she was eight years old, and the man who owned the place had always been friendly with her family. He was getting too old to take care of it now, so he had hired her to work part time while she finished up school. It wasn't widely known or insanely popular, usually just the regulars that had been coming for years showed up, so when Evelyn spotted a newly familiar mop of brown curls covered by a beanie, she decided to go and say hi.

She made her way over to where he was browsing a few of the records, brows scrunched together and a frown on his face.

"need any help?"

Wilbur jumped slightly and held a hand to his heart, "you scared the fuck out of me, oh my go—Evelyn? Oh, hey! What are you doing here?"

"I work here, actually. I saw you come in and since technically I know you now, I figured i'd say hi. How are you?"

"recovering from a heart attack, how about you?"

"i'm good! A little panicked because I am absolutely not qualified to help you with your recovery. Please don't drop dead during my shift, Sal would hate me forever."

Wilbur was watching her curiously, hand still firmly placed against his heart. "You're sure that wasn't your goal? Did Gogy, my beloved, send you here to make my heart fail so he gets all my money? Clever, clever man. And beautiful, oh I can't even be mad at him...what does this make you now? Designated hitman?"

Evelyn shrugged, "yeah, I guess. Apparently i'm not very good at it though, considering you already figured it out."

"I can pretend to be surprised when I collapse, if you want?" he offered with a grin. "I don't know how much you're aware of what Gogy does, but in our minecraft server I am quite the actor, if I do say so myself."

Evelyn narrowed her eyes at him, a knowing smile on her lips. "George tells me you're just a diva. A drama queen, if you will. Actor is news to me."

"He didn't!" Wilbur gasped, "don't tell me George has only slandered my name. You've only ever heard Wilbur slander, haven't you? This is awful. I've only ever spoken highly of Gogy I cannot believe this."

"nah, i'm just kidding. He actually hasn't told me that much. Nicks the one that said you were a diva when he gave me a very brief and very vague rundown of everyone on Clays smp."

He let out an exaggerated sigh of relief and ran a hand down his face. "That makes me feel a lot better, honestly. Sapnap slandering my name is a whole lot more believable than my beloved."

"i'm not sure it's slander if it's just the truth..."


"i'm just stating the obvious."

Wilbur frowned, "whatever you say, Miss Hart."

Evelyn hummed in agreement. "Anyways, looking for anything specific?"

"Oh! Right, I forgot I was actually shopping for something. You're quite distracting, i'll give you that. Anyways, i'm shopping for my mums birthday," He held up one of the records he had been looking at before she approached him. "She's a big Fleetwood Mac fan and I haven't listened to them in years...any recommendations?"

Evelyn beamed at his words. "your mother has immaculate taste. Everything's good, but rumors specifically is probably their best album. At least, it's my favorite. I've been a fan of them since I was like ten or something."

Wilbur thought about it for a few minutes before nodding and picking it up. "Good to know. Thank you for recommending this to me, you have just saved me from hours of over thinking and for that I am forever grateful."

"No problem at all, it's kind of my job so..."

"right, well I appreciate it a lot."

She shot him a thumbs up and turned to walk back towards the front of the store. "Of course. I'll let you get back to shopping now. Let me know if you need anything else."

"you too," he instantly replied, wincing very shortly after. He nearly slapped himself because of course he would make a fool out of himself already. It was just his damn luck and now she was probably going to think he was too awkward to be around—

Wilburs self deprecating thoughts were quickly interrupted by her laughter echoing around the small shop. It was safe to say that eased his nerves and anxiety a lot more than he thought it would.

"It was nice seeing you again, Wil."

And then she was gone, leaving him standing alone, grinning like a fool. Quickly, he grabbed the Rumors record he was almost positive his mother already owned and safely held it to his chest. He then grabbed a Queen record he knew she didn't have and decided then that it would be a good gift for her.

And if he took home that Fleetwood Mac record that just so happened to be his new friends favorite...well, that was his business.

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