Chapter 4

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Sebastian POV
Tatiana looks very pissed at the moment. But she is so cute too. She is my little sister and I love her so much and that is why...
"No! I won't." She said
In case I didn't mention we were arguing.
"Please change."
"I am not 12 anymore you know."
"Okay fine."
She won. She always does. But I will keep an extra eye on her.

Lanielle POV
"Heyyy Lanielle!" Jerry called as I was entering the car park.
"Heyyy" I said waving back.

He was my childhood friend. He was one of my crushes. Don't tell him though.

"How are you??" He asked cheeringly.

We walked into the party together hoping to have a good old time whilst continuing our conversation.

Sebastian POV
"Who is that??" I asked Tyler.
"I don't know her Seb."
"If I can't find my mate at least I have found my Luna."
"Wait you're not serious are you?"
"I am very very serious."
"Well, I am glad my friend is finally going to settle down. But for me I will still wait for my mate."
"Let's get some food I am farmished."
"Of course you are" Tyler said laughing.

In case I didn't mention it. It's Tyler's birthday party. And he is hoping to meet his mate. I can't wait, you know. We have been friends for a very long time. I will definitely tell her a lot of stories about his childhood and...

Lanielle POV
Janet wanted to come to this party some time back but unfortunately she couldn't come today. I sort of wanted to have her here with me. Well, at least I have her jacket. As you know Sonia was hanging out with her mate. So I was alone.
I met Abigail and a number of others. But in the end I was alone again. As usual I said feeling some sort of depression slipping in. This was where I came for the first date with him. Yes, Marcus. I miss him so much. I remember how he said we would come to the party I would meet some of his friends. He would....

Let me stop if I keep this up I will spoil my makeup. I mean I didn't have much on but I have to look good.

Sebastian POV
Sitting across was a beautiful lady looking so sad. I felt a connection to her. I was drawn to her.
I went to sit beside her to observe her for a moment. And clearly she was lost in thought. Wondering what could be bothering her I cleared my throat and spoke.

"Hiii. I am..."
"Hello I am Lanielle and I am sure you don't want to bored with me so leave me and let me drown in my sorrows."

Hmmm. I didn't really expect that. But I pressed on.

"Are you enjoying the party?"
"Yes, I am."
"Would you like dance?"
"I know a great place where they serve great food. It will take only 15min."
As I was still in thought and trying to suggest new ideas she kissed me.

Tyler POV
I left Sebastian to go talk to my other friends. You know just to ensure my future birthday parties. And then when I passed by a lady she passed by so fast that I wasn't sure but I know I could smell my favourite scent. In order not to get my hopes high I just ignored it you know because it fades away.

Deep into the night and I hadn't seen Sebastian and when I decided to check on him. I went to the bedroom that is his whenever he comes to visit. I saw a lady leaving in haste and she dropped her jacket as she went. That same scent arose and immediately I was furious.

"You slept my mate??"
"I would never. She is my mate, as she left in a haste she released some of her scent. That jacket cannot be hers."
"How could you? I can't believe it?"
This jacket that she left I can smell it..." Tyler said perplexed
"I definitely know this is some sort of misunderstanding Tyler." I tried to find reason with him.

Fuming he left.
But one thing about Tyler is he is calm but doesn't listen to reason when he is angry. Now I have two problems on my hand but first of all I need to find my mate.

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