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Meaning: 'a long time'
It was a big word. Used in sentences to describe times and long distances and sometimes even to exaggerate the littlest things. You never really had any experience with the word. It's been distant from you and yet still, it seemed to hold some kind of grudge on you. To you, forever meant the opposite of what it would originally mean. Like saying something is 'forever' meant 'forever gone' or implied in some other negative way. You never knew it could be related to love, or at least you thought.

Tav has been your life long friend ever since you two were young. He was always there for you and never left your side even when you told him to. As younglings, you two would just play non-stop. Hide and Seek, Tag , and just plain rolling around were only some of your favorites. You never thought you could have a better friend in your life. As he matured, you matured as well, leading you two into your young preteen years. Tav began these things called 'roleplaying' and to add to that, a more of a violent type of roleplaying. The roleplays didn't bother you at all. Actually, you did them with him most of the time. It was the type he was doing that bugged you, and that he was playing with Vriska. Vriska was bad news, and every troll that roleplayed with her knew it. It wasn't until she showed up that roleplaying was taken to another level, above extreme, and beginning to be dangerous. You warned your friend every time but he'd only look at you with a light blush on his face and say

"iTLL bE fINE,,,, (name)"

And with the eyes that always got you. Of course he would win.

And off he would go. Leaving you alone until you would grab your gear and tag along.

The day your best friend lost his legs was the day your whole life just went down hill. He was needing more help from you than ever, and it seemed that the things you two loved to do were just out of reach.
"Tav?" You would ask him "remember how it used to be? When we were little? All those fun things we used to do?" And would wait for his reply.
"i dO (name),,,, tHOSE wERE tHE bEST dAYS oF mY lIFE,,," he would say. His smile mean't more than anything to you.
"Mine too...."

Today was just another ordinary day at his hive. Nothing more. Nothing less.
You sighed and sat back in your chair watching the innocent troll rub his legs with that look of longing in his eyes.
"i mISS tHEM (name) i rEALLY dO..." He sighed.
"Let me miss them for you." You said with a smile.
Tav giggled "(name) yOURE aLWAYS sO nICE tO mE,,,,, sOMEDAY i nEED tO dO sOMETHING fOR yOU,,,, "
"You don't need to do anything for me Tavy! I get to spend time with you and that's the best something I could ever get." You watched him blush.
"tHANK yOU (name) bUT,,,, tHIS tIME,,,, iM sERIOUS,,, " he stretched his arms out " cOME sIT wITH mE (name) i wANT tO sHOW yOU sOMETHING,,,,, " he beckoned you onto his lap.
You obeyed and sat down gently
"(Name) iTS oKAY,,, i cANT fEEL iT,,,,, "
'Oh yeah'
You let a little weight lose and moved your head so he could see.
"Is this good?" You asked.
"yA,,,, " he replied.
He started to move you two with his wheelchair, which you helped get started , and you both rolled out of his block and into the hallway until you got to the stairs. THE STAIRS.
"Those stairs though..." You smirked.
You heard Tav grumbled and then bonk you on the head with one of his horns.
"...ouch..." You mumbled.
He snickered and used the ramp to get down to the living quarters.

"jUST tHIS wAY,,,,,," he turned a corner and went straight.
There was a door that you've never seen before.
"W-where are we going?" You asked.
He didn't answer.
"Tav?" You turned your head to him and your eyes widened. He was blushing.

You started to get nervous as he kept going
"T-Tav? I-I'm serious now w-what are w-we going to do....." You gulped. He couldn't possibly be... No. He couldn't be. He wouldn't do that.

"i jUST,,,,, hAVE,,,, a sURPRISE fOR yOU!" He then said.
He turned his wheelchair to the side and opened the door.
Dark room.
He backed up and went inside.
You felt yourself start to shake a little and your teeth started to chatter.
"dONT tELL mE yOURE aFRAID oF tHE dARK nOW,,,,,,! "
"N-no I'm not I'm just a little nervous"
"oKAY,,,, uH ,,,,, wELL iVE bEEN wORKING oN tHIS fOR aWHILE,,,, aND nOW iTS tIME i tHINK iLL sHOW yOU,,,,,,,!!" He sounded happy.
You nodded even though you couldn't see him and he couldn't see you.
You felt him hug tight to your hips, pushing a little too hard.
"TAV!" You exclaimed.
"sORRY (name) ! i wAS tRYING tO hELP yOU uP,,,,,,,!"
'Phew okay. I think we're good' you thought. That was weird.
"cOULD yOU tURN oN tHE lIGHTS,,,,,,?"
"Of course." You stood and went for the light switch. Turning it on. Then you turned around.
"hERE iT iS,,,,,,," the little troll smiled. His face was of a light orange blush.

Tavros pulled down a book from one of the dusty shelves above your head. It was leather with silver lining and had the words 'Forever' on the top.
"Tavy what's this?" You asked.
"(Name) iTS sOMETHING iVE bEEN wORKING oN fOR aWHILE,,,,,,,, aCTUALLY ,,,,,,, eVER sINCE wE wERE yOUNG,,,,,, i dIDNT kNOW hOW lONG yOU ,,,,, wOULD lAST sO tHERE,,,,,, aRE a fEW mISSING pAGES ,,,,,,,, bUT iT iS pRETTY fULL ,,,,,,,,,, ! " he handed it to you.
Inside were pictures of you two ages ago. It started from when you were little, when Tav's handwriting was a bit sloppy and colorful, to just yesterday when you two were at Tavros' clinic.
"Tav I had no idea you had all of these. I-I'm surprised you kept them." You smiled.
He rolled over next to you and began to look too "tHESE oNES wERE wORTH kEEPING....." He whispered.
You felt as if you were almost going to cry. These pictures brought back so many memories of your past, and of his. You two have been best friends forever. You knew that. And you knew how sorry you were when you couldn't protect him when you needed to. You looked down to the floor and sighed, then you looked over at him.
"Tav? What about the memories now? They won't be as fun as-" you stopped yourself as you realized how wrong that could've been "nevermind..."
"aS tHEY uSED tO bE,,,,,,, ? " he finished your sentence for you.
You nodded reluctantly. Then looked away in fear you might've hurt him. Instead, he scooted closer to you and nudged you.
"(Name) iTS oKAY,,,,, bUT yOU sEE ,,,,, oUR mEMORIES aRENT oVER yET ,,,,,, lOOK hERE" he pointed to the one at the clinic. "iM iN mY wHEELCHAIR hERE aND lOOK ,,,,,,,,,,, iTS yOU oN tHE bACK oF iT ,,,,,, nOT tO mENTION wERE bOTH sMILING,,,,, " he giggled "rEMEMBER wE rODE dOWN tHE hALLS?"
You looked up.
"aND lOOK hERE-" he turned the page "tHIS wAS a wEEK bEFORE ,,,,,,,, ! "
The picture was of you and Tav eating ice cream on his lap.
You giggled "yes I remember."
Tavros' eyes moved to yours and he smiled warmly, hugging you gently between his arms "(name) nO mATTER wHAT pROBLEMS wE aRE hAVING oR tROUBLES wE aRE fACING wELL aLWAYS bE aBLE tO mAKE mEMORIES. "
You looked at him and smiled "yes Tavros. We will. I understand now....."
He giggled and bonked you on the head with one of his horns. You rolled your eyes and nudged him back.
"sPEAKING oF mEMORIES......" He inquired "i tHINK tHIS iS tHE bEST oNE yET."
You nodded "let's take a pic!"
He smiled "yEAH,,,,,,,, !"
Tav pulled out his camera that he held in his wheelchair and aimed it at you two.
"Honestly I don't think this could get any better...." You smiled.
"(Name)......." Tavros poked you.
"iT cAN,,,,,,,,"
He turned your head around and leaned foreword. Your face turned hot and you closed your eyes, feeling a warm, loving kiss form onto your lips. This was one memory you would not forget. Even if it took forever to decide.

In the linings of a leather coated
Scrapbook lay a single picture
Labeled "My First Kiss"
Underneath was a caption that said
"Tavros x (Name)
together.... Forever"

(Homestuck)Tavros x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now