Dare 9 - fashion show gone wrong

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Here's what Preciouspatterson2  dared:

Here's what Preciouspatterson2  dared:

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Po: I'll do it. I'm already in my best outfit.

Tipsy: Oookkaaayyy???

<later after everyone was gathered for a fashion show>

Patty: *looks at Everyone* Brilliant. *laughing mischievously*

Po: *winks*

Tinkywinky: This is embarrassing.

Tin-Gold: Makes you look sexy in that.

Tinkywinky: *blushes*

White: *looks at Laalaa* That outfit makes you look like an actual fashion model.

LaaLaa: Awww thanks.

Dark: Let's get this over with.

Dipsy and Finley: Yeah.

Then everyone gathered at the fashion show only Po purposely tripped Finnley by using Tipsy to fall. Then they all fell like dominoes although Tinky and Tin-Gold kissed each other while Patty laughed.

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