Parental Guidence | Sam

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song » stop the world by arctic monkeys

For Sam »

As I logged onto MyChat, the online website to "make friends," I noticed Niall was online and had just posted a selfie of him and this girl he liked. I didn't want to look at it but decided that, if I hated Niall, it wouldn't hurt me or matter whatsoever. It shouldn't bother me, he was simply living his life the way he desired.

'Was gr8 hanging out with u ellie today lets do it again some other time? Xx'

I wanted to log off but I knew if I stayed on for longer, Niall would finally reply to my pending messages. Niall and I weren't dating, we were hardly even friends, yet we were definitely friends with benefits. Minus the friends part. We would never be friends; it was either we never spoke to each other again or we gave a shot at a relationship. I knew Niall didn't like me but a relationship sounded better than never talking to him again.

I liked Niall, of course I did. He was sweet, charming and the only man I had ever given myself to. He'd rush around to my house as soon as my parents would leave and pleasure me under my old teddy bear duvet. We would never speak of it ever outside of my house and never really at all inside it, either. We had never discussed it, he'd just come round to my house and I'd kiss him before he could even greet me. "Samantha," he'd groan when we made it up to my room, removing his hand from my back that I had hesitantly pushed away.

Niall: hey, your online i see

Me: yep, well done. genius. shame for your incorrect grammar :)

I was always a dick to Niall. That's just how it always was. He was as nice as possible all while I tried my hardest to make sure he hadn't a clue I wanted more than just to fuck him. He was a gentleman, you'd be stupid not to want more from a guy like him. I hated being mean but I had gotten so use to it that it felt like a normality nowadays.

Niall: ok sorry.btw i have to cancel on u tonight got a date with ellie. probably hav to stop this all together :/

Me: YOU got a date? Haha, okay. It's okay with me I guess. Bye. See you never.

I wanted to burst out crying. How would Niall ever see the light when he was absolutely with someone who was a careless bully? I remember Ellie picking on me for dropping a damn pencil, that being her nicest assault since I met her.

"Samantha!" My mother shouted up the stairs, startling me as I thought my parents had already left a good ten minutes ago. "We'll be back quite late. Food is on the side, see you later."

I ignored her as I heard the front door shut and the key in the lock twist. I stood up, knowing I could probably ruin this date pretty easily. Walking over to my wardrobe, about to get the red and black lingerie that drives Niall crazy, I hear a knock at the door and leave my wardrobe to shut.

When I eventually open the door after unlocking it, I am surprised to see an UPS delivery woman. "Order for Saman--"

"Yes, that's me." I smile, signing for the parcel even though I hadn't ordered anything lately. When she walks back to her van, I shut the door and lay the package on the kitchen cabinets. Inside is a Victoria's Secret box and I lift the lid off. "Holy shit," I mutter, as I touch the little number. It has Sam written in golden swirly writing on the left strap and the whole bra is black with red lace -- something I knew drove Niall crazy. The bra was a push-up one which made my boobs look twice the size they actually were.

That wasn't it, Niall had even bought me a matching black lacy thong with Niall in small gold lettering on the back string. He even went as far as suspenders, something I had told him I'd never be seen dead in.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2017 ⏰

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