Corrupting Tea

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I wrote this a while ago and handed it in as part of an on going class assignment.  It was one of my favorite pieces from the project so I wanted to put it up here for you guys to tell me what you think :) so comment with your comments!


Corrupting Tea

Steaming hot

Corrupting red

It rolls off me in tendrils

From the spout

The tea pours out

And burns everyone

In its path of destruction

Rough rivers divide

Murky waters conquer

The cups and kettle flee quickly

But power pursues

Until the last ooze

Then the flow ceases

While surroundings lay dormant

Finally what has been brewing

Is calmed and sated for now

While every hot drink feeds from fire

The fire eventually runs out

When passion, distrust, and anger have left

Look up in the sky and see

Dark corrupting tea clouds

Reining over me

Corrupting TeaWhere stories live. Discover now