Vermillion City - Part 3

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Ash saw the little white fox pokemon that had just hatched from the egg get fed some milk from a bottle by its new 'Mama'. Newborn pokemon had a need to be fed nutritious food either directly from its biological pokemon parent or human trainer.

After she, the Alolan Vulpix had hatched Ash had to rush down to Nurse Joy and wake her up at dawn to get some baby pokemon formula. Ash remembered that he always carried some dragon berries when he had that Bagon egg. But since this egg was so sudden he didn't keep a formula prepared beforehand.

Sophia was currently experiencing a weird flux of emotions...Although she couldn't understand this frosty fox pokemon she could quite well decipher her expressions...Being a 'Mama' was definetly a new experience. Currently she had the cute fox on her lap and was feeding her some formula milk that Ash had gathered from the pokemon center itself. Apparently this pokemon center was well equipped with supplies for newborns.

But meanwhile...Ash was kinda feeling like a jerk now. He himself admitted that he was a jerk but...This time it really felt like that...He hadn't taken into consideration that this egg was so close to hatching...Now she'd seen Sophia as the first person right after coming out of the egg. Naturally she was Vulpix's 'Mama' now. But Sophia couldn't stay with him...She was to be sent to Tulip right after he wins his Gym badge and Tulip sends someone to escort Sophia to Tulip's HQ of whatever spy organization she ran. So of course he felt bad that he had to separate a baby pokemon from her 'Mama'...

...But...There was nothing he could do here. He didn't know what would happen to Sophia once she was sent to Tulip's. Either Tulip would keep her as a spy and train her to work for her own spy organization or she'd be a prisoner. For her sake he wished that Sophia would become a spy...It would be a grand waste of her skills otherwise.

Ash got tired of this and just stripped out of his heavy jacket. Ash put the jacket down on the floor of the pokemon center as a temporary mat and laid down on it...This had been a very tiring night. Scouting in the entire town with Mimikyu under his Shadow Sneak was very draining. He closed his eyes slowly and the last thing he saw before falling into blissful slumber was the annoyed face of Sophia who was feeding formula milk to the snow fox pokemon.


Ash awoke from his sleep on the cold hard floor of the pokemon center. He rubbed his sleepy eyes to see Sophia still asleep on the bed with a quill on her while cuddling the white fox pokemon. Sophia was visibly shivering. But Vulpix was enjoying the quill's fluffy warmth.

Ash sweatdropped thinking about the blonde girl's stupidity...You never, never sleep with an Ice type pokemon without atleast having some kind of cold protection. And Alolan Vulpixes generally had cold bodies...Sophia was definetly catching a cough 'n cold soon.

Nevertheless...Ash had an important thing to do today...Visit Surge's gym and scout in order to make strategies to take down the electric type leader. Since Ash didn't want to wake up the blonde 'Mama' he took a piece of paper and quickly jotted down on it,

Hello Sophia,

You were asleep after doing so much hardwork last night by acting as a mother to Vulpix, so I didn't want to wake you up. By the time you would be awake I think I would be at the gym. So please take proper care of Vulpix for me and stay inside the Pokemon center. Do not go out. I just got to know that the crime rates in this city are high. I am not worried about someone stealing Vulpix, I trust in your abilities enough to know you won't let that happen, but I am worried about YOU stealing something from this city in this time of distress. So please don't go out to steal jewelry and try not to give me a headache when I come back.

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