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Since you have reach this chapter, we are sure that you must be liking our initiative of the Reading Hub. Check out the following points to get an idea of how we work-

♡ Books of all genres will be accepted. We will have separate chapters and heads for books from each genre.

♡From fanfictions to general fiction, from children's stories to books belonging to magic realism, we are open to every genre under the sun.

♡ It is not necessary that the book must be exclusive to wattpad. All suggestions are equally welcome.

♡ If you wish your book to be a part of our Reading Hub, you need to keep the following things in mind-

● Your book must be completed.

● The book should not be plagiarized.

● Copyright must be clearly mentioned.

● Preface to the book should be given at the beginning.

● Give a permanent follow to our community and a shoutout to our book on your message board, so that it can reach out to more people.

♕︎-Reading HubWhere stories live. Discover now