Chapter 3

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We walked out of the bathroom and over to Poppy's car, a sunshine yellow Beetle Convertible. She unlocked it and I got in. The top was down and the engine roared. "Well that was fun!" I said, rolling my eyes. I brushed my hair with my fingers and tied it in a high ponytail. "Like I said, everything is going to be okay." Poppy trying to reassure me was very nice but just not helping. The car pulled out of the parking spot and headed onto the highway. "Well, the name of the roller coaster is pretty accurate! Destruction and Downfall. Yep! Sounds like that's what happened." Poppy rolled her eyes at my negativity. We traveled, listening to music for about 30 minutes. We pulled up to my house, a 2 story, 2 garage building with Spanish tile roofing and white stucco.

"Thanks for giving me a ride home, Poppy."

"No problem, now let's go clean you up and then shop!" She threw her hands up and jiggled her bracelets.

"Shop? We had no plans to shop." I laughed at my best friend's unpredictable personality.

"Summer, school is going to start soon and we are buying you a ton of new outfits. Don't you want to impress Ryder?"

"Oh my gosh please don't say his name." I scowled at the memory of puking on the hottest guy in school. 

"I HIGHLY doubt he knows it was you, he never looked at you, did he? No! And you never talked to him."

"Okay... let's shop!" I ran inside, up the stairs, into my room. I took a quick shower and grabbed a fresh top and some new shorts. My top was a white tank with a silver cross and JESUS written along the cross. My shorts were distressed, dark blue denim and ripped along the bottom. I brushed my teeth. With a fresh new outfit and attitude I ran back outside and hopped into the happy looking car.

"Yay!" Poppy jumped up and down, showing her pearly whites in a huge smile. She bounced in the car and pulled out of my driveway.

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