The First Digimon

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A/n: I don't own Digimon

3rd POV

A voice ask, "Who says there's no such thing as monsters" In a street a couple of kids holding onto each other screaming as a humanoid monster runs over them, he hits a parrot like monster sliding it back the parrot roars it locks talons with the humanoid monster who roars "You're never quite the same after you mean your first Digimon" Shows a bridge to see cars and trucks honking "My name's Kari, I'm part of a team called the Digidestined there were only a handful of us at first".

Shows the Statue of Liberty "But we added a few members since then" Shows a bridge then changes to reveal a boy wearing a white hat showing a peace sign and a girl with brown hair wearing a paperclip and around her neck is a camera "That's me with TK another one of the Digidestined" Changes to a swan then small boy holding a Digimon "That's Willis in America".

Willis is sitting on a bed tending to the Digimon while another one jumps on a chair "While the rest of us in Japan only had one Digimon he had twins" The Digimon had tears in his eyes "While we had our team to count on Willis didn't have any human friends only his two Digimon" The Digimon start to smile seeing the twin "His digital adventures as well as ours began that night 8 years ago".

Highton View Terrace, Japan 8 years ago

In the sky between two buildings are numbers but disappears "Did you know there are actually two worlds our world and the digital world" Above a building numbers appear in the sky "Now don't plan a vacation there I'm not sure even where it is" The numbers disappears "But when I first saw it, I was so scared" Shows numbers "I was so nervous, I was so..." Standing is a Kari as a kid with a whistle in her mouth "...cute".

Kari drops is ask, "Huh" Meanwhile on a bunkbed is a boy with wild he sniffs rub his eyes then gets up "That's my brother Tai" Tai crawls to the ladder "When he was a little kid even back then he was a born leader, brave strong and graceful" Tai starts climbing down the ladder but slips on the last one while on the computer the numbers start to form a shape.

Tai opens the door rubbing his eyes "That night started like any other one Tai was making his fourth trip to the bathroom" Tai close the door walks by a steamer that had an electric surge and the family cat Miko who is sleeping on a chair Tai reach his door went to open it but notice an open door said, "Huh" He push it to see Kari standing in front of a computer "Kari what are you doing here you know you're not supposed to be playing with the computer".

Kari staring at the computer said, "But it's doing something weird" Staring at the screen "I was right it was our first digiegg" On the screen shows a digiegg "And on the other side of the world Willis was getting his digiegg at the exact same time" Tai and Kari both watch the egg slowly come out of the computer.

Tai in his bed a voice calls, "Tai, wake up" Tai move a bit in his bed while at the door is his Mum "Tai, I'm going to the health man store" Tai sits up and crawls to his ladder said, "What are weird dream a computer egg" Tai starts to climb down "I got to stop watching scary movies before I go to bed" He slip at the last one again while Mrs. Kamiya calls, "Take care of you sister".

She close the door while Tai said, "But mum I was going to play soccer with my friends" He groans then looks to Kari who is sleeping but in her arms is a red flame egg "Huh, the egg's real" Once Kari woke up, they went to the living Kari is sitting on a baby chair with the egg in her lap while Tai cooks an egg "I batcha this is gonna taste a lot better than your egg".

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