He has thrown down the cavalry as gravel sinks

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~The Sleepy Bois Interlude~

"You know who Eventide is." Techno said flatly when Wilbur came back to pick them up.

"Yup." Wilbur said, "Get in."

"Why won't you tell us?" Techno said as Phil just sighed and got into the back.

"Because he told me not to and I'm not an asshole. He's not dangerous, don't worry." Wilbur sighed, pulling out into the road.

"It's just weird how you're that willing to help a stranger." Techno said. "I have to drag you out kicking and screaming to drive me anywhere, but suddenly you're willing to help a random stranger?"

"Shut up, Tech, I'm sure Wil has his reasons." Phil called from the back seat, tugging off his mask and putting his hat back on.

"He can have his reasons but I can question them as much as I want." Techno shot back, taking his hair out of the tight bun, letting the pink strands fall down onto his shoulders.

"Whatever, I'll order takeout for dinner, Dad." Wilbur muttered as he drove to their house.


Chinese food was ordered and plans were being made over the dining table.

"We need to find out who detonated that bomb." Techno insisted. "We don't have to worry about those kids, since Phil insisted on making sure that they could pay for the medical bills." He muttered, still somewhat irritated about that part. It wasn't that he hated 'Bench Trio', stupid fucking name, but he figured that if they got into this business they could take care of themselves.

"Technoblade." Phil said in his warning tone. Techno stood up, annoyed.

"Don't Technoblade me, I'm not your son. That was reckless of you Phil, we already know certain people who would like to see you strung up. These people are no different." Phil bristled slightly, but kept his composure for the most part.

"He was a child, Techno. I'm not giving up on a child."

"It's his own stupid fault for getting into this. But fine, whatever." Techno picked up his plate, washed it quickly before sinking into the couch in the living room.

"We need to help them, Phil." Wilbur finally spoke up. "I don't care about what could happen, they're children and they've gotten wrapped up into our mess." He said firmly.

"Damn, Siren goin' soft?" Techno called from the couch.

"Shut up, you have the most pretentious name ever." Wilbur shot back.

"For the fact you aren't my son, you argue like brothers." Phil chuckled, cleaning up the remnants of their dinner. "And for the record, I agree with Wil. We're going to help them whether you like it or not, Techno."

"I'm not objecting to it! I'm just sayin' it's dangerous."

"We've been in more dangerous situations. Remember that drug bust when that wild fire started?"

"How could I forget, you hounded me for a month and it took forever to fix your wings." Wilbur sighed, glancing at Techno who was idly scratching at the burn scars on his arm.

"So what's so wrong with just helping some kids?" Phil asked. Techno sighed, sinking into the couch. Wilbur nodded, thinking.

"I'll go to the Pit in a few days to see if I can find them."

"You sure about that, Wil?" Phil asked, concerned. "They could be looking for you."

"Dad, you know I can handle myself. They can't touch me and Techno will pick me right up. You know there's no fighting outside of the Ring." Wilbur smiled, trying to reassure him. Phil frowned, but nodded.

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