Chapter 1: The girl on fire

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 Tiredness radiated through my entire body, as I gingerly settled my aching body onto the comforting softness of my bed

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Tiredness radiated through my entire body, as I gingerly settled my aching body onto the comforting softness of my bed. I allowed the heavy weight of my eyelids to close while my head was greeted by the gentle embrace of the pillow. In no time at all, another journey had begun.

My eyes shot open in surprise and shock. I was hundreds of feet in the sky while plummeting straight down to earth. At that moment I realized I was dreaming. A protective invisible shield that is all too familiar, wrapped around my body like an egg shell to a baby chick. For some reason, plunging down towards the ground in a ball of fire was how every single one of my dreams begin. There is never pain during this time in my dreams, or when I reached the ground after impact. The impact from falling never creates a shock wave or crater in the ground. I'm not totally sure how or why, since that's not how physics work but this is a dream after all and a lot of things don't add up.

As the ground grew closer with each second, I noticed that I would be landing in a thick forest. After I successfully positioned myself so that I could land on my feet, I gripped the plain white dress that hung on my frame every time I entered a new dream.

Soft soil shifted under my weight as I was gently placed on the ground. This world was a lot similar to my own. In fact it looked identical. This was the first time when I've ever dreamt of earth in this much detail. In my dreams, I'm usually in a foreign planet.

"Why is this time different?" I said to myself out loud in confusion.

"I swear I saw it land somewhere here!" A male voice exclaimed a few feet away from me.

I stood frozen in place unsure of if I should flee to avoid confrontation or if I should meet whoever or whatever is approaching me. The bushes in front of me rustled before a group of seven men emerged from the shadows of the forest. Confusion clearly visible in all of their faces after observing the landscape.

"What happened to the comet?" One of them asked while eyeing me with suspicion.

I mentally slapped myself remembering the confusing explanation I always have to give as to where I'm from, how I got here, and where the comet went.

"It wasn't a comet, it was me." I explained quietly.

I studied their faces shift from confusion to disbelief from my response.

"That's impossible, you're lying." Stated a different man to my right.

"I'm not lying. My dreams always start with me falling out of the sky like that."

Their faces grew even more confused after my statement.

"What do you mean? This isn't a dream. We're definitely real." Said a male in front of me.

Silence mixed with awkwardness entered the situation after what the last man had just said.

How could this not be another dream? With sudden realization I noticed that something was different about this situation. I was trying to use a method of forcing myself awake by pinching the back of my left hand. Whenever I felt uncomfortable in one of my dreams I usually did this to wake myself up, and it's worked every single time except for now. Why now? What was so different about this dream? Or maybe it wasn't a dream.

"Why are you pinching the back of your hand?" asked a boy to my left with concern heavy in his voice.

My right hand instantly released the skin that it was pinching on my left hand, realizing that I had been holding it for longer than I should have.

"Sorry, it's just a stupid habit of mine." I answered.

One of the seven men in front of me sighed, clearly frustrated.

"Come on, you should come with us. It will start to get pretty cold during this time in the night." The same man said.

All seven of them men turned around and started back to where I had seen them emerge from. The hairs on my skin arose, realizing how chilly the air had gotten since my arrival. The thin white dress that covered me wasn't enough to keep me remotely warm at all. I My crossed my arms in-front of  my chest trying to sustain and generate body warmth.

A heavy jacket was gently placed on my shoulders, it's warmth from the previous owner instantly made my body relax in relief. I turned around and my eyes were met with one of the men who hadn't spoken earlier. I couldn't see many of his features but his figure appeared tall and broad.

"Thank you." I said while holding the mans gaze with my own.

"It's no problem, it's almost always very hot during the day and very cold during the night." He responded trying to make small talk to lighten the mood between us.

A smile spread across my face in appreciation for his thoughtfulness.

"Jin you shouldn't have given her your jacket, now you're going to get cold. The house is still quite a ways from here." A man walking in front of us grunted.

"C'mon Yoongi, she looked like she was freezing in her dress. And also, we're more accustomed to this environment so it's not that big of a deal." Jin explained.

Yoongi grunted, but said nothing in response to Jin.

"So what's your name?" Jin asked me with a warm voice.

"My name is Miray."

"Wow, that's a gorgeous name." Said a different one of the other men who was walking in front of us.

"My name is Hoseok."

Hoseok decreased his pace so that he could walk on my right side, while Jin was on my left. I felt less tense with them beside me.

"Over there is Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung." Jin said while pointing to three figures walking together ahead of us.

"And over there is Namjoon and Yoongi." His pointed finger glided to two men who were at the front of the pack."

"You know Miray, even though it's basically impossible, but I believed you when you said that you were the one who was falling." Hoseoks eyes looked down into mine.

"Me too." Jin said in agreement.

Gratitude filled my chest. This situation was hard for everyone to comprehend, including me. The fact that these two men were so quick to easily believe me was extremely comforting.

"Thank you, my story seems unbelievable even to me!" Hoseok giggled next to me, which brought a smile to my face.


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