The consultant

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A/n: In this story you essentially are Carmen Sandiego, if you don't like being referred to as Carmen then you can imagine your name instead. I just really like this story idea and am very passionate about it so please enjoy!

Hello, is this Carmen?" A man said. "Yes, how can I help you?" Carmen replied. "I saw these guys in an ally, they were talking about shooting up a building, it's my daughters college. I tried going to the police but I had no evidence whatsoever and so I couldn't get them to do anything. Then I called one of my friends who was higher up and he told me that there was a woman named Carmen Sandiego that I could consult for help." He said. "I can help, also you don't have to pay me unless you feel like it. Now tell me where this building is." Carmen said. "It's Whitticker college, the one around Gotlib street." He said. "Got it, when are they going to shoot up the school?" Carmen asked. "Tonight around 9:35 pm they said." He replied. "I'll make sure your daughter and all the other students are safe. Also when I've finished I want you to call the cops, they'll show up if people try to actually shoot up the school." Carmen said. "Okay I will, please save her." He said. "I will." Carmen replied hanging up the phone.

"These kids aren't gonna have any idea what hit em." A thug said. "Yeah, now let's go shoot this stupid college up." Another said. They walked up to the school with there guns and got ready to shoot, bystanders screamed and ran.

One thug was about to shoot a witness when a woman jumped on him making him fall, she jumped back and the other thugs immediately went after her. They shot there guns and Carmen ducked running up to them, she kicked one in the stomach and grabbed another thug who was trying to shoot her from behinds right hand with her left and twisted it making them shoot upwards.

Then she grabbed one of the thugs hair and pulled there head down jolting her knee up making them take a knee to the face. They stumbled back and she roundhouse kicked him in the face.
A man tried to punch her but she moved to the left swiftly dodging the hit before grabbing his arm and twisting it pushing him back before delivering a kick to his face.

All the thugs were down now and she heard police sirens, Carmen ran into an alley and got on top of a roof and jumped from building to building before changing into her normal outfit and walking like a normal person.

This is what Carmen looked like

Sherlock was sitting at home when he suddenly got a call from Lestrade, "Sherlock a group of thugs got beat up by an elusive woman who none of us can trace, can you get down here?" Lestrade said

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Sherlock was sitting at home when he suddenly got a call from Lestrade, "Sherlock a group of thugs got beat up by an elusive woman who none of us can trace, can you get down here?" Lestrade said. "Sure." Sherlock said. "Finally! An interesting case, John come on we have a mysterious woman to find." Sherlock said excitedly. "Uh okay." John said putting on his coat.

They arrived at the college to see a group of thugs being questioned along with students from the college being asked questions about the woman. "Sherlock your here, the thugs who attacked the school can't provide that much except her outfit and that she was strong." Lestrade said. "Ah lovely." Sherlock said. "Hey you, what was the woman wearing." Sherlock asked one of the thugs. "She was wearing a red sort of tailcoat, and a red fedora but it was bigger than a normal hat. She wore black pants along with black boots with no laces or zippers, she also wore a black turtleneck that had a golden triangle at the neck of it. It's hard to describe." The thug said. "She was running on top of rooftops and jumping from building to building, if it wasn't for her I would be dead, those thugs were gonna kill me." Sherlock heard a young woman say. "Excuse me but what direction did she go?" Sherlock asked the woman. She pointed in the direction Carmen went and Sherlock headed for it with John.

"There's nothing here, not a single trace." Sherlock said. "This was clearly someone who knows what they're doing, has experience because they can clearly leave somewhere and leave not a single trace of anywhere they could be." Sherlock said. "Sherlock, can we go back you said it yourself there's nothing here." John said and Sherlock started walking down the street hailing a cab.

Carmen was someone who could match Sherlock and he couldn't stand it.

Here's a video of what it looked like when Carmen jumped from building to building.

Carmen Sandiego: Sherlock BBC storyWhere stories live. Discover now