I wake up to the god damn light being on again

Tegan ; fuck sake

I get up and i turn the light off again and i grab my bag going to gym teachers office and i find a towel and i go to the showers turning on the shower i have my shower and i wrapthe towel around me . And i put my clothes in the shower washing them and i stick them under the hand dryer trying to dry them which took for ever but they dryed and i get dressed and i go to the other bathroom brushing my hair and teeth

Anna: wondering where u was
Tegan; been here
Anna: yh
Tegan: hows the head
Anna ; not as bad as what i thought it would be
Tegan; that's good just drink plenty water keep yourself hydrated
Anna ; i will and thank u for the shorts
Tegan: sleep better with them
Anna; yes and i feel a lot comfy in them then my underwear or in jeans
Tegan ; feel that right I'll see u in a minute
Anna; ok

I walk out and i go back to the class

Andy : were gonna go find locker combos to get into the lockers see people have u coming
Daniel ; shes in
Jj : more people the better and what ever u find u can keep
Tegan ; ok but we wait for anna
Jj; well I'll go find the combos u wait here
Andy ; ok
Tegan: phones dead whats the time
Daniel : um...2:25
Tegan: its late
Daniel: please this is early
Andy : u can't read the time
Tegan: nope
Andy : neither high five

We high five

Daniel: both of u really
Andy : i was an ill child i spent practically my whole childhood in a hospital instead of being in school learning to tell the time
Tegan: so did i
Daniel: what was up with the both of u
Andy: leukaemia
Tegan : i got beat up as a kid always had something broken then needed surgery to put what ever broken bone back in place
Andy ; sounds like we had shit childhoods
Tegan : your sounds worse though leukaemia
Daniel: there both bad leukaemia I'm sorry
Andy ; I'm better now
Anna : hey
Daniel; hi
Jj : combos
Andy : searching lockers lets go
Tegan: lets goooo

We walk out the class and we all take a load of locker combos and we open the lockers up looking throw all the stuff and in most of them it was clothes which i think was good . And found some condoms gum a few snack bars and we head back to the class

Andy ; heres the alcohol from the nurses office
Anna : found some in the lockers aswell
Daniel: split
Jj : yes

We all sit on the floor and we pick what alcohol we want

Tegan; I'm gonna go for a walk around
Jj ; gonna get drunk
Tegan : nah just alone time

I walk out and i go to the libary getting a book and i go to the science lab sitting on the tabel and i read and i look out the window a lot hoping I'll see something out side but there was nothing. Just green fog

Daniel: oi
Tegan: oh my god u scared the crap out of me
Daniel ; sorry
Tegan ; its ok what do u want i didn't mean for that to come off so rude
Daniel : it didn't just came to cheak on u you've been gone a while
Tegan : have i
Daniel: its 5:30
Tegan: oh ok maybe it has been a while
Daniel: yh...i found something for u
Tegan: what
Daniel : i found digital watch for u so u can tell the time
Tegan ; where did u find that
Daniel; in some kids bag but i saw it and thought this will help u keep track of time
Tegan : thank u

He grabs my wrist and he puts the watch on

Tegan : thank u i really appreciate it
Daniel: of course

He sits on the tabel

Daniel: what u reading
Tegan : i don't really know its about murder
Daniel : should i be scared
Tegan: no
Daniel : sure
Tegan: i swear its nothing just reading it I've read every other book in that library
Daniel: u sound like a nerd

I look at him

Daniel: u are a nerd aren't u
Tegan : calling people nerds isn't nice
Daniel; fine your a really smart person then
Tegan : better and i can't tell the time
Daniel; what are your grades
Tegan : A s
Daniel : your a nerd
Tegan : i thought we said smart person
Daniel ; fine your a smart person
Tegan : nah

I stand up on the table

Daniel; what are u doing
Tegan: i don't know

I start walking on the tables

Daniel: be careful
Tegan : i am
Daniel: your gonna fall
Tegan : no I'm not
Daniel : yes u are
Tegan : your starting to sound like a dad
Daniel : take that back
Tegan: dad
Daniel ; i do not sound like a dad
Tegan : be careful your gonna fall
Daniel: oh shut up and get down
Tegan; your so boring

I get down from the table

Tegan : u coming
Daniel: where
Tegan : cafeteria 
Daniel: ok

He gets up and we go to the cafeteria and we got there at the right time cause anna had just finished cooking so we ate

Jj : u can cook more often
Andy : we take it in turns
Daniel ; i can't cook
Jj : neither
Andy: i can
Tegan: then we teach daniel and jj to cook
Anna : our moms tryed a billon times trying to teach him
Daniel ; i didn't pay attention
Andy : well u pay attention now
Jj : I'm down to learn mean college
Anna : thats if u get to college
Jj : true
Andy : i wanna make a rule up
Daniel: what rule
Andy : we go in pairs now when we leave the class its with someone I'll be honest i heard some weird shit yeserday and today kinda creeping me out and i don't want either of us dying
Jj : alright I'm ok with that
Daniel ; same i don't want any of dying
Anna ; ok then
Tegan ; my only issue with that is that I'm awake before anyone and when i wake up i like to freshen up straight away
Anna : just wake me i don't mind
Andy : sorted
Jj : right I'll clean dishes
Daniel ; I'll clean table and we will come back together 
Andy ; ok lets go
Anna : ok

We walk out the cafeteria and me and anna go to the bathroom brushing our hair and teeth

Anna ; what the hell are we gonna do out about periods
Tegan: oh crap yh
Anna : i found no pads or tampons
Tegan: surely nurses offices will have stuff
Anna : i hope
Tegan : we can cheak tomrrow
Anna : ok lets head back
Tegan: yh

We walk out

Andy : i heard some weird shit again
Anna ; what
Andy ; its like footsteps and pipes banging
Tegan : i can't hear anything
Anna : neither
Andy : i swear i hear stuff
Tegan ; i don't dout u
Anna : are u high or something
Andy : no sober
Tegan ; we can lisen out
Andy ; ok

We go back to the class and i lay down and i fall asleep quiet quick

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