Chapter One: Saviour

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Chapter One: Saviour

Doctor Owen Harper could only wait for the radiation to flood through and take his body. He watched his hands, waiting for them to go, since they, like his face, were not protected in any way. There was no point in protecting himself.

He knew he was going to die.

So focused upon this belief that he would die, he did not hear the whirring of a machine close by. The first he knew about it was twenty seconds later, when he heard a voice.

"Owen Harper, giving up? I thought the stubborn took a lot to be defeated."

The voice was unfamiliar but familiar at the same time. It had no accent, with a gentle tone, and one with threads of amusement twisting in.

The Londoner looked up.

A man stood in front of a blue 1960's Police Box, arms folded over his black long coat, and partially over a dark grey scarf. He wore suit trousers, which led to believe that he was wearing a suit beneath, and well-polished black boots. His black hair was wavy with a slight curl at the ends, brushed mainly to the left side, and not obscuring his blue-eyed vision. He was pale, with quite smooth skin, and slim, with a height of around six foot.

"Who are you?" Owen demanded, not about to take that as a compliment, even if it did seem like a joke.

"Oh .. Of course .. I've regenerated .. Twice .." murmured the man, tutting at himself. "I'm the Doctor. Jack has explained to you about my ability to regenerate, hasn't he?"

Owen listened to him, and thought back. Had Jack explained it? Yes, he had. That made sense. "Why are here?"

"Why do you think, Owen? You're about to die. I'm not exactly popping in to risk my life and taunt you, am I? Come on," the Doctor held out a hand to the human, and hauled him to his feet. "You're so light," he remarked, heading back to the Police Box and opening the door.

"I'm wiry," muttered Owen, following him hesitantly. The radiation would be there any moment now.

"You're also short."

"And you're rude and insulting."

"Not as rude and insulting as you are," countered the Doctor, childishly sticking his tongue out at him as he walked in, and quickly pulled Owen in after him, slamming the door shut just in time. "Right! Need a safe place .. Hmm .. Oh! I know. Very simply, the Time Vortex," he announced, darting to the circular main console and fiddling with the controls until the TARDIS lurched.

Owen listened with a frown at his words, and grabbed hold of a beam as it lurched. If he was alive, he'd possibly throw up at the suddenness of it, and the rather violent action.

"Now, really, that's quite mean, TARDIS. He hasn't travelled in you yet .. Be nice to the new boy," the Doctor muttered.

"The TARDIS did that deliberately?" Owen asked.

"Yes," clarified the Doctor, taking off his scarf. "Now .. To the laboratory! Sounds rather evil, doesn't it? Oh, nevermind. Still. Come on," he told him, heading down some steps to a doorway, opening it up."

Owen paused, then asked, "Why?" It was a simple question, just so that he knew why the Doctor wanted him to follow him.

The Time Lord sighed, jumping up and clinging to the edge of the higher level, looking over to him. "Would you like to live again, or stay dead?" he queried, with a smirk. "I'm going to get your life back," he informed him.

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