In Another Life

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"Ai Ni"

    His lips moved with a prayer that his beloved can hear him, after all this would be the last time that he will say those words, his heart twinge, knowing that he will leave this person behind again, that Zhou Zishu for the third time will witness his death

   But, Wen KeXing would rather die than see Zhou Zishu slowly fade away, he felt his veins burn as if lava flows in them instead of blood,he bit back the urge to scream, as if being burnt from inside, and he closed his eyes

     He felt no strength in him his body void, he felt like falling his whole being being pulled down in an unending abyss

    Suddenly he felt like icy water slowly in his veins so cold then slowly warming up and he felt like floating, air light and a white light,his hand to his surprise moved as if blocking the light out of his eyes, he blinked

Was he alive?

Did A-Xu somehow find a way to heal him? Did he? His Zhiji is amazing so it can be … or maybe Ye BaiYi that Old Monster lied about him dying,did he?

"A-Xing…" a woman's voice?

It's not A-Xu? Did A-Xu asked for help from someone?

"A-Xing?"  No, he knew this voice … Soft yet stern and strict, but… she,

"Luo-Yi?" His eyes opened and it's her face that he first saw, looking at him with both relief and worry

She died… was he after all in the Afterlife?

Despite heavy lids, he let his eyes roam around, everything is unfamiliar and Wen KeXing felt a bit of panic in his chest,

Where is he?

He clutched his head as he felt a sharp pain, eyes closed he saw images, no, memories flashing in his eyes

A scream left his mouth as he clutched his head more memories sear  his brain

Him as a child, his parent's funeral, him being adopted by Luo-Yi, Highschool memories, his College Graduation,opening his own Clinic, A-Xiang …

A-Xiang, his little girl in purple dress and her little pink backpack

A-Xiang, little A-Xiang no older than eight years old and her happy smile

Flooded with memories both in the past and the present, with the jianghu and the modern, he barely felt the way doctors and nurses prick and prod him, an hour later he stared at the white ceiling, dazed and lost in his thoughts


He broke out if his stupor and turned his head to Luo-Yi, still as regal as he remembers only now her hair is in a sleek side ponytail and her attire is fitting stark red business suit

"How are you feeling?" She asked, in their past life with their circumstances , though she's gentle and caring there's that wall between them yet as he hears her voice his heart swells, in this life she is his both a mother and a sister to him when his parents died, in this life, they are really close and his heart ached that she looks so worried and pained right now

"I'm fine Luo-Yi, you worry to much"

"Brat, one day I swear you'll give me a heart attack"

She said huffing an exasperated sigh before looking at him with soft eyes

"You should have told me you're not feeling well when you took A-Xiang to school, You're a doctor too! You… "

"Aiya A'Yi should you be really scolding a patient? It's bad for poor patients like me to be stressed"

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