Chapter 3

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My mom and dad called me downstairs to talk about whatever it was.

" Hey Karis, we need to tell you something" mom and dad said

" What is it".

" Your dad has been out so late because-".

Mom was cut off by her cellphone.

" Karis. can we pick this up later" Mom asked.

" Um, yea sure".

" Sorry Karis, but me and your mom needs to handle something" dad said.

" Ok, I understand".

" Thank you, now go upstairs and do your homework".

" Ok daddy".

I want mom and dad to tell me whatever it is, I mean I understand that they are busy but I really need to know. I got a call from Uncle Issac.

" Hey Karis".

" Hey Uncle Issac".

" I need to tell you something".

" Yup, what is it".

Before he could tell me the call was lost.

Sorry it's short! Comment and Vote.

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