Young love...

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R* I saw a spark in Tokyo's eyes. She looked much happier when she knew that Rio came. She stood up and went to talk to him. She opened the door and walked on the terrace.

Rio: "Tokyo!"
Rio: "Tokyo, please, I'm sorry, I'm so glad that you're okay."
Tokyo: "Rio..."
Rio: "Please, just give me a chance to explain, I'm so sorry, I overreacted."
Tokyo: "Rio, I'm not mad, I know this isn't what you want..."
Rio: "That's not true, I want this, I want it all, with you."

R* We were watching them and waiting for what will happen. Rio kneeled and started talking.

Rio: "Tokyo, I want to be with you, I want to take care of you and our little one."

R* Tokyo started crying. She was standing there, Rio was holding her hands. It was so beautiful. I was almost crying, too, but then I felt him standing behind me. He wrapped his arms around me. My heart melts as he hugged me tightly. These beautiful feelings, butterflies in my stomach. He is my one and only, I love him so much. He put his head on my shoulder and whispered to my ear.

S: "Young love..."

R* I smiled at him and he giggled. He looked at them and I started watching what is going on again.

Tokyo: "Rio..."
Rio: "I love you so much and I don't want to lose you."
Tokyo: "I love you, too."

R* Rio came closer to Tokyo and kissed her. It wasn't a sweet innocent kiss, it was a kiss full of desire and passion. To be honest, it was pretty weird to watch other people kiss, so I turned at Sergio.

R: "Let's give them some privacy."
S: "Yeah, you're right."

S* We went inside, I continued making breakfast and Raquel just sat at the table. We were talking about everything, about them, about the baby and of course about the wedding.

R: "So, beach wedding?"
S: "Yes, I'm in, I have so many happy memories on the beach."
R: "Yeah, it will be beautiful."
S: "I can't wait to marry you."

S* She looked at me and smiled, I smiled back. I was really ready to marry her. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her and I couldn't stop thinking about it. I will call her my WIFE and that's all that I need in my life.

R* He is making me smile every day, every his words, they are so beautiful. I don't know how he is doing this, but it's definitely working, it always makes my day. It's even more intense because I love him, it wouldn't be that perfect if anyone else would say it, but hear this from him. I was looking at him, but then I heard someone coming downstairs.

P: "Good morning."
R: "Hi honey."
S: "Good morning, how was your sleep?"
P: "It was great."
S: "I'm glad, breakfast is almost ready, but you will have to wait for few minutes."
P: "Okay."

R* We just had the pretty normal family talk, it was just my beautiful little family. The door opened and Tokyo and Rio came in.

Tokyo: "Well, we will head home now. Thank you for everything."
R: "No problem."
S: "You're welcome."
Rio: "Okay, thank you again, and see you soon."
S: "See you."
Tokyo: "Bye."
R: "Bye."

S: They left and we ate our breakfast. After everything was done and we washed the dishes Paula started suspiciously smiling. She was about to say anything so I just waited.

P: "What will we do today."
S: "Well we don't have any plans."
P: "I've got an idea."

R* I started listening, I was really curious about what's Paula's idea. We would probably spend our day on the beach or in the city. It would be really interesting to do something else for once.

R: "Okay..."
P: "Well, I was thinking, since I will have a new sibling, what will be his or her name?"
S: "We don't know yet..."
P: "So let's choose some."
R: "Sounds like a plan."

S* It sounded really good, we needed to find the perfect name for our little one and it didn't matter it was early. The earlier, the better. We sat on the couch together and all of us wrote some ideas down. We had to write three girl's names and three boy's ones. We were already down si Raquel started.

R: "Okay, are you ready?"
P: "Yes!"
R: "Let's start then."
R: "So, Paula, read us your girl's names, each of us will tell you our favorite."
P: "Alrighty, so: Emma, Alicia, Isabella.

R* I looked at Sergio and we decided fast enough that we will say this.

S: "Alicia no, I'm sure I don't want this one.
R: "Yeah, same, I don't like it.
P: "Why? It was my favorite."
R: "It's just, someone who I don't like."
P: "Okay, now your favorite."
R: "I like Emma."
P: "And you dad?"
S: "I like Isabella."

S* I liked Isabella, it sounded really beautiful, now it was my turn with girl's names.

S: "Oka now it's my turn."
R: "Show us what you got."
S: "So: Agáta, Gabriella, Lucía."
R: "Oh, really."
S: "It's just I feel responsible."
R: "We don't have to name our baby like Nairobi."
S: "I know..."
P: "I don't know what's going on, but my favorite is Lucía."
R: "Yeah, I like Lucía, too."
S: "Okay, Lucía is it then."

S* I didn't want it to make Raquel mad, but it was just like a memory of her. I understood why was Raquel angry, but I didn't mean it like this.

P: "Okay, mum, your turn."
R: "Well, I got: Mila, Nathalia and Savannah."
P: "I vote for Nathalia."
S: "Yeah, I like this one as well."
R: "Okay, so Nathalia."
R: "Let's get into boy's names..."

*Next part will be out soon*
*Thank you for reading my story ❤️*
*You can support me on my Instagram @_lcdp.fans_ *
*Love you guys ❤️*

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